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path: root/vim/plugin
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authorFranck Cuny <>2015-08-16 22:03:17 -0700
committerFranck Cuny <>2015-08-16 22:03:17 -0700
commit5f530a46afb4f5bdca96135a08f697020e02352e (patch)
tree5fb279e563c6a32d1644c7e440109bcb7e79c26b /vim/plugin
parent[vim] add autopair (diff)
[vim] delete auto-pair for vim.
Diffstat (limited to 'vim/plugin')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 537 deletions
diff --git a/vim/plugin/auto-pairs.vim b/vim/plugin/auto-pairs.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ffaf9a..0000000
--- a/vim/plugin/auto-pairs.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,537 +0,0 @@
-" Insert or delete brackets, parens, quotes in pairs.
-" Maintainer:	JiangMiao <>
-" Contributor: camthompson
-" Last Change:  2013-07-13
-" Version: 1.3.2
-" Homepage:
-" Repository:
-" License: MIT
-if exists('g:AutoPairsLoaded') || &cp
-  finish
-let g:AutoPairsLoaded = 1
-if !exists('g:AutoPairs')
-  let g:AutoPairs = {'(':')', '[':']', '{':'}',"'":"'",'"':'"', '`':'`'}
-if !exists('g:AutoPairsParens')
-  let g:AutoPairsParens = {'(':')', '[':']', '{':'}'}
-if !exists('g:AutoPairsMapBS')
-  let g:AutoPairsMapBS = 1
-if !exists('g:AutoPairsMapCR')
-  let g:AutoPairsMapCR = 1
-if !exists('g:AutoPairsMapSpace')
-  let g:AutoPairsMapSpace = 1
-if !exists('g:AutoPairsCenterLine')
-  let g:AutoPairsCenterLine = 1
-if !exists('g:AutoPairsShortcutToggle')
-  let g:AutoPairsShortcutToggle = '<M-p>'
-if !exists('g:AutoPairsShortcutFastWrap')
-  let g:AutoPairsShortcutFastWrap = '<M-e>'
-if !exists('g:AutoPairsShortcutJump')
-  let g:AutoPairsShortcutJump = '<M-n>'
-" Fly mode will for closed pair to jump to closed pair instead of insert.
-" also support AutoPairsBackInsert to insert pairs where jumped.
-if !exists('g:AutoPairsFlyMode')
-  let g:AutoPairsFlyMode = 0
-" When skipping the closed pair, look at the current and
-" next line as well.
-if !exists('g:AutoPairsMultilineClose')
-  let g:AutoPairsMultilineClose = 1
-" Work with Fly Mode, insert pair where jumped
-if !exists('g:AutoPairsShortcutBackInsert')
-  let g:AutoPairsShortcutBackInsert = '<M-b>'
-if !exists('g:AutoPairsSmartQuotes')
-  let g:AutoPairsSmartQuotes = 1
-" Will auto generated {']' => '[', ..., '}' => '{'}in initialize.
-let g:AutoPairsClosedPairs = {}
-function! AutoPairsInsert(key)
-  if !b:autopairs_enabled
-    return a:key
-  end
-  let line = getline('.')
-  let pos = col('.') - 1
-  let before = strpart(line, 0, pos)
-  let after = strpart(line, pos)
-  let next_chars = split(after, '\zs')
-  let current_char = get(next_chars, 0, '')
-  let next_char = get(next_chars, 1, '')
-  let prev_chars = split(before, '\zs')
-  let prev_char = get(prev_chars, -1, '')
-  let eol = 0
-  if col('$') -  col('.') <= 1
-    let eol = 1
-  end
-  " Ignore auto close if prev character is \
-  if prev_char == '\'
-    return a:key
-  end
-  " The key is difference open-pair, then it means only for ) ] } by default
-  if !has_key(b:AutoPairs, a:key)
-    let b:autopairs_saved_pair = [a:key, getpos('.')]
-    " Skip the character if current character is the same as input
-    if current_char == a:key
-      return "\<Right>"
-    end
-    if !g:AutoPairsFlyMode
-      " Skip the character if next character is space
-      if current_char == ' ' && next_char == a:key
-        return "\<Right>\<Right>"
-      end
-      " Skip the character if closed pair is next character
-      if current_char == ''
-        if g:AutoPairsMultilineClose
-          let next_lineno = line('.')+1
-          let next_line = getline(nextnonblank(next_lineno))
-          let next_char = matchstr(next_line, '\s*\zs.')
-        else
-          let next_char = matchstr(line, '\s*\zs.')
-        end
-        if next_char == a:key
-          return "\<ESC>e^a"
-        endif
-      endif
-    endif
-    " Fly Mode, and the key is closed-pairs, search closed-pair and jump
-    if g:AutoPairsFlyMode && has_key(b:AutoPairsClosedPairs, a:key)
-      if search(a:key, 'W')
-        return "\<Right>"
-      endif
-    endif
-    " Insert directly if the key is not an open key
-    return a:key
-  end
-  let open = a:key
-  let close = b:AutoPairs[open]
-  if current_char == close && open == close
-    return "\<Right>"
-  end
-  " Ignore auto close ' if follows a word
-  " MUST after closed check. 'hello|'
-  if a:key == "'" && prev_char =~ '\v\w'
-    return a:key
-  end
-  " support for ''' ``` and """
-  if open == close
-    " The key must be ' " `
-    let pprev_char = line[col('.')-3]
-    if pprev_char == open && prev_char == open
-      " Double pair found
-      return repeat(a:key, 4) . repeat("\<LEFT>", 3)
-    end
-  end
-  let quotes_num = 0
-  " Ignore comment line for vim file
-  if &filetype == 'vim' && a:key == '"'
-    if before =~ '^\s*$'
-      return a:key
-    end
-    if before =~ '^\s*"'
-      let quotes_num = -1
-    end
-  end
-  " Keep quote number is odd.
-  " Because quotes should be matched in the same line in most of situation
-  if g:AutoPairsSmartQuotes && open == close
-    " Remove \\ \" \'
-    let cleaned_line = substitute(line, '\v(\\.)', '', 'g')
-    let n = quotes_num
-    let pos = 0
-    while 1
-      let pos = stridx(cleaned_line, open, pos)
-      if pos == -1
-        break
-      end
-      let n = n + 1
-      let pos = pos + 1
-    endwhile
-    if n % 2 == 1
-      return a:key
-    endif
-  endif
-  return open.close."\<Left>"
-function! AutoPairsDelete()
-  if !b:autopairs_enabled
-    return "\<BS>"
-  end
-  let line = getline('.')
-  let pos = col('.') - 1
-  let current_char = get(split(strpart(line, pos), '\zs'), 0, '')
-  let prev_chars = split(strpart(line, 0, pos), '\zs')
-  let prev_char = get(prev_chars, -1, '')
-  let pprev_char = get(prev_chars, -2, '')
-  if pprev_char == '\'
-    return "\<BS>"
-  end
-  " Delete last two spaces in parens, work with MapSpace
-  if has_key(b:AutoPairs, pprev_char) && prev_char == ' ' && current_char == ' '
-    return "\<BS>\<DEL>"
-  endif
-  " Delete Repeated Pair eg: '''|''' [[|]] {{|}}
-  if has_key(b:AutoPairs, prev_char)
-    let times = 0
-    let p = -1
-    while get(prev_chars, p, '') == prev_char
-      let p = p - 1
-      let times = times + 1
-    endwhile
-    let close = b:AutoPairs[prev_char]
-    let left = repeat(prev_char, times)
-    let right = repeat(close, times)
-    let before = strpart(line, pos-times, times)
-    let after  = strpart(line, pos, times)
-    if left == before && right == after
-      return repeat("\<BS>\<DEL>", times)
-    end
-  end
-  if has_key(b:AutoPairs, prev_char) 
-    let close = b:AutoPairs[prev_char]
-    if match(line,'^\s*'.close, col('.')-1) != -1
-      " Delete (|___)
-      let space = matchstr(line, '^\s*', col('.')-1)
-      return "\<BS>". repeat("\<DEL>", len(space)+1)
-    elseif match(line, '^\s*$', col('.')-1) != -1
-      " Delete (|__\n___)
-      let nline = getline(line('.')+1)
-      if nline =~ '^\s*'.close
-        if &filetype == 'vim' && prev_char == '"'
-          " Keep next line's comment
-          return "\<BS>"
-        end
-        let space = matchstr(nline, '^\s*')
-        return "\<BS>\<DEL>". repeat("\<DEL>", len(space)+1)
-      end
-    end
-  end
-  return "\<BS>"
-function! AutoPairsJump()
-  call search('["\]'')}]','W')
-" string_chunk cannot use standalone
-let s:string_chunk = '\v%(\\\_.|[^\1]|[\r\n]){-}'
-let s:ss_pattern = '\v''' . s:string_chunk . ''''
-let s:ds_pattern = '\v"'  . s:string_chunk . '"'
-func! s:RegexpQuote(str)
-  return substitute(a:str, '\v[\[\{\(\<\>\)\}\]]', '\\&', 'g')
-func! s:RegexpQuoteInSquare(str)
-  return substitute(a:str, '\v[\[\]]', '\\&', 'g')
-" Search next open or close pair
-func! s:FormatChunk(open, close)
-  let open = s:RegexpQuote(a:open)
-  let close = s:RegexpQuote(a:close)
-  let open2 = s:RegexpQuoteInSquare(a:open)
-  let close2 = s:RegexpQuoteInSquare(a:close)
-  if open == close
-    return '\v'.open.s:string_chunk.close
-  else
-    return '\v%(' . s:ss_pattern . '|' . s:ds_pattern . '|' . '[^'.open2.close2.']|[\r\n]' . '){-}(['.open2.close2.'])'
-  end
-" Fast wrap the word in brackets
-function! AutoPairsFastWrap()
-  let line = getline('.')
-  let current_char = line[col('.')-1]
-  let next_char = line[col('.')]
-  let open_pair_pattern = '\v[({\[''"]'
-  let at_end = col('.') >= col('$') - 1
-  normal x
-  " Skip blank
-  if next_char =~ '\v\s' || at_end
-    call search('\v\S', 'W')
-    let line = getline('.')
-    let next_char = line[col('.')-1]
-  end
-  if has_key(b:AutoPairs, next_char)
-    let followed_open_pair = next_char
-    let inputed_close_pair = current_char
-    let followed_close_pair = b:AutoPairs[next_char]
-    if followed_close_pair != followed_open_pair
-      " TODO replace system searchpair to skip string and nested pair.
-      " eg: (|){"hello}world"} will transform to ({"hello})world"}
-      call searchpair('\V'.followed_open_pair, '', '\V'.followed_close_pair, 'W')
-    else
-      call search(s:FormatChunk(followed_open_pair, followed_close_pair), 'We')
-    end
-    return "\<RIGHT>".inputed_close_pair."\<LEFT>"
-  else
-    normal he
-    return "\<RIGHT>".current_char."\<LEFT>"
-  end
-function! AutoPairsMap(key)
-  " | is special key which separate map command from text
-  let key = a:key
-  if key == '|'
-    let key = '<BAR>'
-  end
-  let escaped_key = substitute(key, "'", "''", 'g')
-  " use expr will cause search() doesn't work
-  execute 'inoremap <buffer> <silent> '.key." <C-R>=AutoPairsInsert('".escaped_key."')<CR>"
-function! AutoPairsToggle()
-  if b:autopairs_enabled
-    let b:autopairs_enabled = 0
-    echo 'AutoPairs Disabled.'
-  else
-    let b:autopairs_enabled = 1
-    echo 'AutoPairs Enabled.'
-  end
-  return ''
-function! AutoPairsReturn()
-  if b:autopairs_enabled == 0
-    return ''
-  end
-  let line = getline('.')
-  let pline = getline(line('.')-1)
-  let prev_char = pline[strlen(pline)-1]
-  let cmd = ''
-  let cur_char = line[col('.')-1]
-  if has_key(b:AutoPairs, prev_char) && b:AutoPairs[prev_char] == cur_char
-    if g:AutoPairsCenterLine && winline() * 3 >= winheight(0) * 2
-      " Use \<BS> instead of \<ESC>cl will cause the placeholder deleted
-      " incorrect. because <C-O>zz won't leave Normal mode.
-      " Use \<DEL> is a bit wierd. the character before cursor need to be deleted.
-      let cmd = " \<C-O>zz\<ESC>cl"
-    end
-    " If equalprg has been set, then avoid call =
-    "
-    if &equalprg != ''
-      return "\<ESC>O".cmd
-    endif
-    " conflict with javascript and coffee
-    " javascript   need   indent new line
-    " coffeescript forbid indent new line
-    if &filetype == 'coffeescript' || &filetype == 'coffee'
-      return "\<ESC>k==o".cmd
-    else
-      return "\<ESC>=ko".cmd
-    endif
-  end
-  return ''
-function! AutoPairsSpace()
-  let line = getline('.')
-  let prev_char = line[col('.')-2]
-  let cmd = ''
-  let cur_char =line[col('.')-1]
-  if has_key(g:AutoPairsParens, prev_char) && g:AutoPairsParens[prev_char] == cur_char
-    let cmd = "\<SPACE>\<LEFT>"
-  endif
-  return "\<SPACE>".cmd
-function! AutoPairsBackInsert()
-  if exists('b:autopairs_saved_pair')
-    let pair = b:autopairs_saved_pair[0]
-    let pos  = b:autopairs_saved_pair[1]
-    call setpos('.', pos)
-    return pair
-  endif
-  return ''
-function! AutoPairsInit()
-  let b:autopairs_loaded  = 1
-  let b:autopairs_enabled = 1
-  let b:AutoPairsClosedPairs = {}
-  if !exists('b:AutoPairs')
-    let b:AutoPairs = g:AutoPairs
-  end
-  " buffer level map pairs keys
-  for [open, close] in items(b:AutoPairs)
-    call AutoPairsMap(open)
-    if open != close
-      call AutoPairsMap(close)
-    end
-    let b:AutoPairsClosedPairs[close] = open
-  endfor
-  " Still use <buffer> level mapping for <BS> <SPACE>
-  if g:AutoPairsMapBS
-    " Use <C-R> instead of <expr> for issue #14 sometimes press BS output strange words
-    execute 'inoremap <buffer> <silent> <BS> <C-R>=AutoPairsDelete()<CR>'
-    execute 'inoremap <buffer> <silent> <C-H> <C-R>=AutoPairsDelete()<CR>'
-  end
-  if g:AutoPairsMapSpace
-    " Try to respect abbreviations on a <SPACE>
-    let do_abbrev = ""
-    if v:version == 703 && has("patch489") || v:version > 703
-      let do_abbrev = "<C-]>"
-    endif
-    execute 'inoremap <buffer> <silent> <SPACE> '.do_abbrev.'<C-R>=AutoPairsSpace()<CR>'
-  end
-  if g:AutoPairsShortcutFastWrap != ''
-    execute 'inoremap <buffer> <silent> '.g:AutoPairsShortcutFastWrap.' <C-R>=AutoPairsFastWrap()<CR>'
-  end
-  if g:AutoPairsShortcutBackInsert != ''
-    execute 'inoremap <buffer> <silent> '.g:AutoPairsShortcutBackInsert.' <C-R>=AutoPairsBackInsert()<CR>'
-  end
-  if g:AutoPairsShortcutToggle != ''
-    " use <expr> to ensure showing the status when toggle
-    execute 'inoremap <buffer> <silent> <expr> '.g:AutoPairsShortcutToggle.' AutoPairsToggle()'
-    execute 'noremap <buffer> <silent> '.g:AutoPairsShortcutToggle.' :call AutoPairsToggle()<CR>'
-  end
-  if g:AutoPairsShortcutJump != ''
-    execute 'inoremap <buffer> <silent> ' . g:AutoPairsShortcutJump. ' <ESC>:call AutoPairsJump()<CR>a'
-    execute 'noremap <buffer> <silent> ' . g:AutoPairsShortcutJump. ' :call AutoPairsJump()<CR>'
-  end
-function! s:ExpandMap(map)
-  let map = a:map
-  let map = substitute(map, '\(<Plug>\w\+\)', '\=maparg(submatch(1), "i")', 'g')
-  return map
-function! AutoPairsTryInit()
-  if exists('b:autopairs_loaded')
-    return
-  end
-  " for auto-pairs starts with 'a', so the priority is higher than supertab and vim-endwise
-  "
-  " vim-endwise doesn't support <Plug>AutoPairsReturn
-  " when use <Plug>AutoPairsReturn will cause <Plug> isn't expanded
-  "
-  " supertab doesn't support <SID>AutoPairsReturn
-  " when use <SID>AutoPairsReturn  will cause Duplicated <CR>
-  "
-  " and when load after vim-endwise will cause unexpected endwise inserted. 
-  " so always load AutoPairs at last
-  " Buffer level keys mapping
-  " comptible with other plugin
-  if g:AutoPairsMapCR
-    if v:version == 703 && has('patch32') || v:version > 703
-      " VIM 7.3 supports advancer maparg which could get <expr> info
-      " then auto-pairs could remap <CR> in any case.
-      let info = maparg('<CR>', 'i', 0, 1)
-      if empty(info)
-        let old_cr = '<CR>'
-        let is_expr = 0
-      else
-        let old_cr = info['rhs']
-        let old_cr = s:ExpandMap(old_cr)
-        let old_cr = substitute(old_cr, '<SID>', '<SNR>' . info['sid'] . '_', 'g')
-        let is_expr = info['expr']
-        let wrapper_name = '<SID>AutoPairsOldCRWrapper73'
-      endif
-    else
-      " VIM version less than 7.3
-      " the mapping's <expr> info is lost, so guess it is expr or not, it's
-      " not accurate.
-      let old_cr = maparg('<CR>', 'i')
-      if old_cr == ''
-        let old_cr = '<CR>'
-        let is_expr = 0
-      else
-        let old_cr = s:ExpandMap(old_cr)
-        " old_cr contain (, I guess the old cr is in expr mode
-        let is_expr = old_cr =~ '\V(' && toupper(old_cr) !~ '\V<C-R>'
-        " The old_cr start with " it must be in expr mode
-        let is_expr = is_expr || old_cr =~ '\v^"'
-        let wrapper_name = '<SID>AutoPairsOldCRWrapper'
-      end
-    end
-    if old_cr !~ 'AutoPairsReturn'
-      if is_expr
-        " remap <expr> to `name` to avoid mix expr and non-expr mode
-        execute 'inoremap <buffer> <expr> <script> '. wrapper_name . ' ' . old_cr
-        let old_cr = wrapper_name
-      end
-      " Always silent mapping
-      execute 'inoremap <script> <buffer> <silent> <CR> '.old_cr.'<SID>AutoPairsReturn'
-    end
-  endif
-  call AutoPairsInit()
-" Always silent the command
-inoremap <silent> <SID>AutoPairsReturn <C-R>=AutoPairsReturn()<CR>
-imap <script> <Plug>AutoPairsReturn <SID>AutoPairsReturn
-au BufEnter * :call AutoPairsTryInit()