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authorFranck Cuny <>2024-04-19 09:22:42 -0700
committerFranck Cuny <>2024-04-19 09:22:42 -0700
commit397197500ea533eedd5fbb3cd563240ae856088b (patch)
parentminor configuration tweaks (diff)
removes cruft from the git configuration
Also ensure that we have ANSI colors displayed in the commit buffer so
it's easier to understand errors.

Change-Id: Ie37f8871f0fc4f8470a5bd821ec02734edc05181
1 files changed, 16 insertions, 32 deletions
diff --git a/config/init-git.el b/config/init-git.el
index 4741f35..3827b83 100644
--- a/config/init-git.el
+++ b/config/init-git.el
@@ -12,9 +12,19 @@
 (use-package magit
   :defer t
   :ensure t
-  :bind (("C-x g" . magit-status)
-         ("C-x G" . magit-status-with-prefix))
+  :hook (magit-mode . hl-line-mode)
+  :commands (magit-blame
+	     magit-get-current-branch
+             magit-commit
+             magit-diff-unstaged
+             magit-init
+             magit-stage-file
+             magit-status
+             magit-unstage-file
+             magit-blame-mode)
+  :bind ("C-x g" . magit-status)
+  (magit-buffer-name-format "%x%M%v: %t%x")
   (magit-diff-options nil)
   (magit-diff-refine-hunk t)
   (magit-fetch-arguments nil)
@@ -23,7 +33,10 @@
   (magit-process-popup-time 15)
   (magit-clone-default-directory "~/workspace/")
   (magit-section-initial-visibility-alist '((untracked . hide)))
-  :hook (magit-mode . hl-line-mode))
+  :config
+  ;; show ANSI colors in the process buffer, so it's easier to read what's going on
+  ;; for some reasons if it's in the `:custom' section it does not get set
+  (setq magit-process-finish-apply-ansi-colors t))
 (use-package magit-commit
   :defer t
@@ -37,19 +50,6 @@
-(use-package magit-status
-  :defer t
-  :config
-  (dolist (func '(magit-insert-unpushed-to-upstream-or-recent
-                  magit-insert-unpulled-from-pushremote
-                  magit-insert-unpulled-from-upstream))
-    (remove-hook 'magit-status-sections-hook func))
-  (dolist (func '(magit-insert-diff-filter-header
-                  magit-insert-tags-header))
-    (remove-hook 'magit-status-headers-hook func)))
 (use-package vc
   :defer t
@@ -65,23 +65,7 @@
   (git-link-open-in-browser t)
-  :preface
-  (defun git-link-fcuny-net (hostname dirname filename branch commit start end)
-    (format ""
-            (replace-regexp-in-string "^r/\\(.*\\)" "\\1.git" dirname)
-            filename
-            commit
-            start))
-  (defun git-link-commit-fcuny-net (hostname dirname commit)
-    (format ""
-            (replace-regexp-in-string "^r/\\(.*\\)" "\\1.git" dirname)
-            commit))
-  (add-to-list 'git-link-remote-alist '("git\\.fcuny\\.net" git-link-fcuny-net))
-  (add-to-list 'git-link-commit-remote-alist '("git\\.fcuny\\.net" git-link-commit-fcuny-net))
   ;; sets up roblox git enterprise as a git-link handler
   (add-to-list 'git-link-remote-alist '("github\\.rblx\\.com" git-link-github))
   (add-to-list 'git-link-commit-remote-alist '("github\\.rblx\\.com" git-link-commit-github)))