Generates a static HTML page with a list of all the leases allocated by `dnsmasq`.
A simple template written in the jinja syntax is used.
The file containing the leases is expected to be at `/var/lib/dnsmasq/dnsmasq.leases`, but this can be overwritten by setting the environment variable `DNSMASQ_LEASES`.
The output of the script is written to `/var/lib/dnsmasq/leases.html` by default, but the destination can be overwritten by setting the environment variable `DNSMASQ_LEASES_OUT`.
The script can be executed automatically by `dnsmasq` if the configuration for `dhcp-script` is set to the path of the script. This will only be executed when a *new* lease is created or an *old* lease is deleted. To execute the script when a lease is *updated* you need to use the configuration `script-on-renewal`.
A configuration looks like this:
``` ini
## nginx
To serve the page with nginx, you can use the following configuration:
``` nix
services.nginx = {
enable = true;
virtualHosts."dnsmasq" = {
listen = [
addr = "";
port = 8067;
locations."/" = {
root = "/var/lib/dnsmasq";
index = "leases.html";