{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }: { services.loki.enable = true; services.loki.configuration = { # no need for authentication, since we're binding on the # wireguard interface, we can trust the connections. auth_enabled = false; server = { http_listen_port = 3100; http_listen_address = ""; }; ingester = { lifecycler = { address = ""; ring = { kvstore = { store = "inmemory"; }; replication_factor = 1; }; final_sleep = "0s"; }; # Any chunk not receiving new logs in this time will be flushed chunk_idle_period = "1h"; # All chunks will be flushed when they hit this age, default is 1h max_chunk_age = "1h"; # Loki will attempt to build chunks up to 1.5MB, flushing first if # chunk_idle_period or max_chunk_age is reached first chunk_target_size = 1048576; # Must be greater than index read cache TTL if using an index cache (Default # index read cache TTL is 5m) chunk_retain_period = "30s"; # Chunk transfers disabled max_transfer_retries = 0; }; schema_config = { configs = [{ from = "2020-10-24"; store = "boltdb-shipper"; object_store = "filesystem"; schema = "v11"; index = { prefix = "index_"; period = "24h"; }; }]; }; storage_config = { boltdb_shipper = { active_index_directory = "/var/lib/loki/boltdb-shipper-active"; cache_location = "/var/lib/loki/boltdb-shipper-cache"; # Can be increased for faster performance over longer query periods, # uses more disk space cache_ttl = "24h"; shared_store = "filesystem"; }; filesystem = { directory = "/var/lib/loki/chunks"; }; }; limits_config = { reject_old_samples = true; reject_old_samples_max_age = "168h"; }; chunk_store_config = { max_look_back_period = "0s"; }; table_manager = { retention_deletes_enabled = false; retention_period = "0s"; }; compactor = { working_directory = "/var/lib/loki/boltdb-shipper-compactor"; shared_store = "filesystem"; }; }; services.nginx.virtualHosts."loki.${config.homelab.domain}" = { forceSSL = true; useACMEHost = config.homelab.domain; listen = [ { addr = ""; port = 443; ssl = true; } ]; locations."/" = { proxyPass = "${toString config.services.loki.configuration.server.http_listen_port}"; }; }; }