#+TITLE: Managing GitHub with terraform This terraform configuration is to manage my GitHub configuration (repositories, projects, branches, etc). There's nothing special regarding how to use this repository. #+begin_src sh GITHUB_TOKEN=(pass api/github/terraform) nix run .#ops.github.plan GITHUB_TOKEN=(pass api/github/terraform) nix run .#ops.github.init #+end_src * Credentials A token is needed to interact with the API. It's available in =pass= (under =api/github/terraform=). The token needs admin access for repositories and being able to read the user. * State The state is stored in a [[https://console.cloud.google.com/storage/browser/world-tf-state/github?project=fcuny-homelab&pageState=(%22StorageObjectListTable%22:(%22f%22:%22%255B%255D%22))&prefix=&forceOnObjectsSortingFiltering=false][GCS bucket]].