let fcuny_aptos = "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIIdlm/qoR/dnMjZhVSTtqFzkgN3Yf9eQ3pgKMiipg+dl"; tahoe = "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIEq1IQRvj2jofCHOO6M28w2SRdgtHU06NJvwAwv/b69F"; all = [ fcuny_aptos tahoe ]; in { "wireguard_privatekey.age".publicKeys = all; "acme/credentials.age".publicKeys = all; "acme/gcp_service_account.json.age" = { publicKeys = all; owner = "acme"; }; # see https://buildkite.com/docs/agent/v3/tokens "buildkite/agent.age" = { publicKeys = all; owner = "buildkite-agent-builder-1"; group = "buildkite-agents"; mode = "0440"; }; "buildkite/graphql.age" = { publicKeys = all; owner = "buildkite-agent-builder-1"; group = "buildkite-agents"; mode = "0440"; }; # the owner is gerrit, but we also want the builders to access this # configuration. "gerrit/hooks.age" = { publicKeys = all; owner = "git"; group = "buildkite-agents"; mode = "0440"; }; "gerrit/secure-config.age" = { publicKeys = all; owner = "git"; path = "/var/lib/gerrit/etc/secure.config"; }; "syncthing/key.age" = { publicKeys = all; owner = "fcuny"; }; "syncthing/cert.age" = { publicKeys = all; owner = "fcuny"; }; "unifi/unifi-poller.age".publicKeys = all; "restic/repo-systems.age".publicKeys = all; "rclone/config.ini.age".publicKeys = all; "rclone/gcs_service_account.json.age".publicKeys = all; }