{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }: let restic-nas = pkgs.writeShellApplication { name = "restic-nas"; runtimeInputs = [ pkgs.restic pkgs.tailscale pkgs.jq ]; text = '' NAS=$(tailscale status --json | jq -r '.Peer | map(select(.HostName == "tahoe"))[0].TailscaleIPs[0]') RESTIC_REPOSITORY="sftp:''${NAS}:/$(hostname)" export RESTIC_REPOSITORY export RESTIC_PASSWORD_FILE=/run/agenix/restic/repo-users sudo -E restic -o sftp.command="ssh backup@''${NAS} -i /run/agenix/restic/ssh-key -s sftp" "$@" ''; }; album-to-nas = pkgs.writeShellApplication { name = "album-to-nas"; runtimeInputs = [ pkgs.jq pkgs.tailscale ]; text = '' ALBUM_PATH="$1" NAS=$(tailscale status --json | jq -r '.Peer | map(select(.HostName == "tahoe"))[0].TailscaleIPs[0]') scp "$ALBUM_PATH" "$NAS:~/import/album.zip" ssh "$NAS" bc-to-beet ~/import/album.zip ''; }; in { imports = [ ./alacritty.nix ./dev.nix ./emacs.nix ./firefox.nix ./tmux.nix ./yubikey.nix ./ytdlp.nix ]; home.packages = with pkgs; [ # media gnome3.eog gnome3.evince sublime-music vlc yt-dlp passage tree # scanning tesseract imagemagick exiftool sane-airscan transmission-remote-gtk # custom tools album-to-nas restic-nas # tools from external repositories # x509-info # gh-ssh-keys # masked-emails ]; programs.feh.enable = true; programs.mpv = { enable = true; config = { sub-auto = "fuzzy"; vo = "gpu"; hwdec = "auto-safe"; gpu-context = "wayland"; audio-display = "no"; cache-pause = "no"; cache = "yes"; mute = "no"; osc = "yes"; screenshot-directory = "~/documents/screenshots/mpv-screenshots/"; screenshot-format = "png"; }; scripts = lib.attrVals [ "sponsorblock" ] pkgs.mpvScripts; }; services.gammastep = { enable = true; #TODO: this needs to come from locale.nix latitude = 37.8715; longitude = -122.273; temperature = { day = 5000; night = 3700; }; }; home.sessionVariables = { PASSAGE_DIR = "${config.xdg.dataHome}/passage/store"; PASSAGE_IDENTITIES_FILE = "${config.xdg.dataHome}/passage/identities"; # for now I have to default to rage, as the version of age is # not recent enough to work with keys generated by # age-plugin-yubikey PASSAGE_AGE = "${pkgs.rage}/bin/rage"; }; # enable bluetooth services.blueman-applet.enable = true; }