#+TITLE: Gcloud * Initial setup First we need to create a service account, with: #+begin_src sh gcloud --project fcuny-homelab iam service-accounts create world-nix #+end_src Next we need to bind the new policy: #+begin_src sh gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding fcuny-homelab --member="serviceAccount:world-nix@fcuny-homelab.iam.gserviceaccount.com" --role="roles/accessapproval.configEditor" #+end_src Note: I had to add DNS administrator in the console, I don't know what I need to add to this command. Finally we need the key: #+begin_src sh gcloud iam service-accounts keys create world-nix.json --iam-account=world-nix@fcuny-homelab.iam.gserviceaccount.com #+end_src This will create a file name =world-nix.json=. It's best to encrypt it with =age= and move it under the =secrets= directory for a host.