# pants.el ## Description ## Install Get a copy of the repository: ```sh git clone git@github.com:franckcuny/pants.el.git ``` Then update your emacs' configuration: ```elisp (load-file "~/src/pants.el/pants.el") (use-package pants :bind (("C-c b" . pants-find-build-file) ("C-c r" . pants-run-binary) ("C-c t" . pants-run-test)) :config (progn (setq pants-source-tree-root "/Users/fcuny/src/source" pants-bury-compilation-buffer t))) ``` ## Configuration There's a few variables that you can set: * **pants-source-tree-root**: Path to the repository. * **pants-ini**: Name of the pants.ini file to use (default is `pants.ini`). * **pants-exec-name**: Path to the pants executable in the repository (default is `pants`) * **pants-build-file**: Name of the BUILD file to look for * **pants-bury-compilation-buffer**: Set to true if you want to bury the compilation buffer after running successfully a command ## Usage ### Go to the closest BUILD file Do `m-x pants-find-build-file`. ### Run a binary target Do `m-x pants-run-binary`. It will present a list of targets and let you select which one to run. ### Run a test target Do `m-x pants-run-test`. It will present a list of targets and let you select which one to run. ### Jump to a REPL Do `m-x pants-run-python-repl`. It will present a list of targets and create a REPL.