use strict; use warnings; use Net::Riak; use Test::More; BEGIN { unless ( $ENV{RIAK_REST_HOST} ) { require Test::More; Test::More::plan( skip_all => 'RIAK_REST_HOST not set.. skipping' ); } } ok my $client = Net::Riak->new(host => $ENV{RIAK_REST_HOST}), 'client created'; # set up a bucket containing two person/user records and store them my $bucket_one = $client->bucket('ONE'); my $ref1 = { username => 'griffinp', fullname => 'Peter Griffin', email => '' }; my $ref2 = { username => 'griffins', fullname => 'Stewie Griffin', email => '' }; ok $bucket_one->new_object( $ref1->{username} => $ref1 )->store(1,1), 'new object stored'; ok $bucket_one->new_object( $ref2->{username} => $ref2 )->store(1,1), 'new object stored'; # create another bucket to store some data that will link to users my $bucket_two = $client->bucket('TWO'); # create the object my $item_data = { a_number => rand(), some_text => 'e86d62c91139f328df5f05e9698a248f', epoch => time() }; ok my $item = $bucket_two->new_object( '25FCBA57-8D75-41B6-9E5A-0E2528BB3342' => $item_data ), 'store new object to second bucket'; # create a link to each person that is stored in bucket 'ONE' and associate the link # with the $item object foreach my $person ( $ref1, $ref2 ) { my $link = Net::Riak::Link->new( bucket => $bucket_one, key => $person->{username}, tag => 'owners' ); ok $item->add_link( $link ), 'link added to object'; } # store to Riak ok $item->store( 1, 1 ), 'object stored'; my $test_links = $bucket_two->get('25FCBA57-8D75-41B6-9E5A-0E2528BB3342', [1]); my $links = $test_links->links; is $links->[0]->key, 'griffinp', 'good owner for first link'; is $links->[1]->key, 'griffins', 'good owner for second link'; $test_links->remove_link($links->[0]); $links = $test_links->links; is $links->[0]->key, 'griffins', 'good owner for second link after a remove link'; done_testing;