package Net::Riak::Search; use Moose; #ABSTRACT: Search interface with 'Net::Riak::Role::Base' => {classes => [{name => 'client', required => 0},]}; sub search { my ($self, $params) = @_; $self->client->search($params); }; sub setup_indexing { my ($self, $bucket) = @_; $self->client->setup_indexing($bucket); }; 1; =head1 SYNOPSIS my $client = Net::Riak->new(...); my $bucket = $client->bucket('foo'); # retrieve an existing object my $obj1 = $bucket->get('foo'); # create/store a new object my $obj2 = $bucket->new_object('foo2', {...}); $object->store; $bucket->delete_object($key, 3); # optional w val # Secondary index setup my $obj3 = $bucket->new_object('foo3', {...}); $obj3->add_index('index', 'first'); $obj3->store; my @keys = $client->index('bucket', 'myindex_bin', 'first_value' [, 'last_value'] ); =head1 DESCRIPTION L allows you to enable indexing documents for a given bucket and querying/searching the index. =head2 METHODS =head3 setup_indexing $client->setup_indexing('bucket_name'); Does the same as : curl -X PUT -H "content-type:application/json" http://localhost:8098/riak/bucket_name -d '{"props":{"precommit":[{"mod":"riak_search_kv_hook","fun":"precommit"}]}' but takes in account previouses precommits. =head3 search my $response = $client->search( index => 'bucket_name', q => 'field:value' ); # is the same as : my $response = $client->search( q => 'bucket_name.field:value' ); Search the index =over 4 =item wt => 'XML|JSON' defines the response format (XML is the default value as for Solr/Lucene) =item q the query string =item index is the default index you want to query, if no index is provided you have to add it as a prefix of the fields in the query string =item rows is the number of documents you want to be returned in the response =item add_index add secondary index to object = item remove_index remove secondary index from object =item index Find keys via secondary index. =back More parameters are available, just check at L