package Net::Riak; # ABSTRACT: Interface to Riak use Moose; use Net::Riak::Client; use Net::Riak::Bucket; with 'Net::Riak::Role::MapReduce'; has client => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Net::Riak::Client', required => 1, handles => [qw/is_alive http_request http_response/] ); sub BUILDARGS { my ($class, %args) = @_; my $client = Net::Riak::Client->new(%args); $args{client} = $client; \%args; } sub bucket { my ($self, $name) = @_; my $bucket = Net::Riak::Bucket->new(name => $name, client => $self->client); $bucket; } 1; =head1 SYNOPSIS my $client = Net::Riak->new( host => '', ua_timeout => 900 ); my $bucket = $client->bucket('blog'); my $obj = $bucket->new_object('new_post', {title => 'foo', content => 'bar'}); $obj->store; $obj = $bucket->get('new_post'); say "title for ".$obj->key." is ".$obj->data->{title}; my $req = $client->http_request; # last request $client->http_response # last response =head1 DESCRIPTION =head2 ATTRIBUTES =over 4 =item B URL of the node (default ''). If your ring is composed with more than one node, you can configure the client to hit more than one host, instead of hitting always the same node. For this, you can do one of the following: =over 4 =item B my $riak = Net::Riak->new( host => [ '', '' ] ); =item B my $riak = Net::Riak->new( host => [ {node => '', weight => '0.2'}, {node => '', weight => '0.8'} ] ); =back Now, when a request is made, a node is picked at random, according to weight. =item B Interface prefix (default 'riak') =item B MapReduce prefix (default 'mapred') =item B R value setting for this client (default 2) =item B W value setting for this client (default 2) =item B DW value setting for this client (default 2) =item B client_id for this client =back =item B timeout for L in seconds, defaults to 3. =head1 METHODS =head2 bucket my $bucket = $client->bucket($name); Get the bucket by the specified name. Since buckets always exist, this will always return a L =head2 is_alive if (!$client->is_alive) { ... } Check if the Riak server for this client is alive =head2 add my $map_reduce = $client->add('bucket_name', 'key'); Start assembling a Map/Reduce operation =head2 link my $map_reduce = $client->link(); Start assembling a Map/Reduce operation =head2 map my $map_reduce = $client->add('bucket_name', 'key')->map("function ..."); Start assembling a Map/Reduce operation =head2 reduce my $map_reduce = $client->add(..)->map(..)->reduce("function ..."); Start assembling a Map/Reduce operation =method http_request Returns the HTTP::Request object from the last request =method http_response Returns a HTTP::Response object from the last request =head2 SEE ALSO Net::Riak::MapReduce =cut