package Net::Riak; # ABSTRACT: Interface to Riak use Moose; use Net::Riak::Client; use Net::Riak::Bucket; use Net::Riak::Types Client => { -as => 'Client_T' }; with 'Net::Riak::Role::MapReduce'; has client => ( is => 'rw', isa => Client_T, required => 1, handles => [qw/is_alive all_buckets server_info stats search index setup_indexing/] ); sub BUILDARGS { my ($class, %args) = @_; my $transport = $args{transport} || 'REST'; my $trait = "Net::Riak::Transport::".$transport; my $client = Net::Riak::Client->with_traits($trait)->new(%args); $args{client} = $client; \%args; } sub bucket { my ($self, $name) = @_; my $bucket = Net::Riak::Bucket->new(name => $name, client => $self->client); $bucket; } 1; =head1 SYNOPSIS # REST interface my $client = Net::Riak->new( host => '', ua_timeout => 900, ); # Or PBC interface. my $client = Net::Riak->new( transport => 'PBC', host => '', port => 8080 ); my $bucket = $client->bucket('blog'); my $obj = $bucket->new_object('new_post', {title => 'foo', content => 'bar'}); $obj->store; $obj = $bucket->get('new_post'); say "title for ".$obj->key." is ".$obj->data->{title}; # Indexing and searching (REST interface) $client->setup_indexing("bucket_name"); ...adding documents to riak... my $response = $client->search( index => 'bucket_name', q => 'field:value' ); # Secondary index setup (REST interface) my $obj3 = $bucket->new_object('foo3', {...}); $obj3->add_index('myindex_bin','myvalue' ); $obj3->add_index('number_int', 1001); $obj3->store; # Get all keys for a specific index/value pair my @keys = $client->index('mybucket', 'myindex_bin', 'myvalue' ); # Get all keys for a range of index value pairs my @keys = $client->index('mybucket', 'number_int', 500, 1500); # Removing a secondary index (REST interface) my $new_obj = $bucket->get('foo3'); $new_obj->remove_index('number_int', 1001); $new_obj->store; =head1 DESCRIPTION =head2 ATTRIBUTES =over 2 =item B REST: The URL of the node PBC: The hostname of the node default '' Note that providing multiple hosts is now deprecated. =item B Port of the PBC interface. =item B Used to select the PB protocol by passing in 'PBC' =item B Interface prefix (default 'riak') =item B MapReduce prefix (default 'mapred') =item B R value setting for this client (default 2) =item B W value setting for this client (default 2) =item B DW value setting for this client (default 2) =item B client_id for this client =item B timeout for L in seconds, defaults to 3. =item B Disable returning of object content in response in a store operation. If set to true and the object has siblings these will not be available without an additional fetch. This will become the default behaviour in 0.17 =back =head1 METHODS =head2 bucket my $bucket = $client->bucket($name); Get the bucket by the specified name. Since buckets always exist, this will always return a L =head2 is_alive if (!$client->is_alive) { ... } Check if the Riak server for this client is alive =head2 all_buckets List all buckets, requires Riak 0.14+ or PBC connection. =head2 add my $map_reduce = $client->add('bucket_name', 'key'); Start assembling a Map/Reduce operation =head2 link my $map_reduce = $client->link(); Start assembling a Map/Reduce operation =head2 map my $map_reduce = $client->add('bucket_name', 'key')->map("function ..."); Start assembling a Map/Reduce operation =head2 reduce my $map_reduce = $client->add(..)->map(..)->reduce("function ..."); Start assembling a Map/Reduce operation =head2 server_info (PBC only) $client->server_info->{server_version}; =head2 stats (REST only) say Dumper $client->stats; =head2 search (REST only) $client->search( index => 'bucket_name', q => 'field:value' ); Makes a query to the index (see L for more details on parameters) =head2 setup_indexing (REST only) $client->setup_indexing('bucket_name'); Define precommit hook in order to enable indexing documents written into the given bucket =head1 SEE ALSO L L L =cut