package Net::HTTP::Spore::Response; # ABSTRACT: Portable HTTP Response object for SPORE response use strict; use warnings; use overload '@{}' => \&finalize; use HTTP::Headers; sub new { my ( $class, $rc, $headers, $body ) = @_; my $self = bless {}, $class; $self->status($rc) if defined $rc; $self->body($body) if defined $body; $self->headers( $headers || [] ); $self; } sub code { shift->status(@_) } sub content { shift->body(@_) } sub env { shift->request->env } sub content_type { shift->headers->content_type(@_) } sub content_length { shift->headers->content_length(@_) } sub location { shift->header->header( 'Location' => @_ ) } sub status { my $self = shift; if (@_) { $self->{status} = shift; } else { return $self->{status}; } } sub body { my $self = shift; if (@_) { $self->{body} = shift; if ( !defined $self->{raw_body} ) { $self->{raw_body} = $self->{body}; } } else { return $self->{body}; } } sub raw_body { my $self = shift; if (@_) { $self->{raw_body} = shift; }else{ return $self->{raw_body}; } } sub headers { my $self = shift; if (@_) { my $headers = shift; if ( ref $headers eq 'ARRAY' ) { $headers = HTTP::Headers->new(@$headers); } elsif ( ref $headers eq 'HASH' ) { $headers = HTTP::Headers->new(%$headers); } $self->{headers} = $headers; } else { return $self->{headers} ||= HTTP::Headers->new(); } } sub request { my $self = shift; if (@_) { $self->{request} = shift; }else{ return $self->{request}; } } sub header { my $self = shift; $self->headers->header(@_); } sub finalize { my $self = shift; return [ $self->status, +[ map { my $k = $_; map { ( $k => $_ ) } $self->headers->header($_); } $self->headers->header_field_names ], $self->body, ]; } 1; __END__ =head1 SYNOPSIS use Net:HTTP::Spore::Response; my $response = Net::HTTP::Spore::Response->new( 200, ['Content-Type', 'application/json'], '{"foo":1}'; ); $response->request($request); =head1 DESCRIPTION Net::HTTP::Spore::Response create a HTTP response =head1 METHODS =over 4 =item new my $res = Net::HTTP::Spore::Response->new; my $res = Net::HTTP::Spore::Response->new($status); my $res = Net::HTTP::Spore::Response->new($status, $headers); my $res = Net::HTTP::Spore::Response->new($status, $headers, $body); Creates a new Net::HTTP::Spore::Response object. =item code =item status $res->status(200); my $status = $res->status; Gets or sets the HTTP status of the response =item env $res->env($env); my $env = $res->env; Gets or sets the environment for the response. Shortcut to C<< $res->request->env >> =item content =item body $res->body($body); my $body = $res->body; Gets or sets the body for the response =item raw_body my $raw_body = $res->raw_body The raw_body value is the same as body when the body is sets for the first time. =item content_type $res->content_type('application/json'); my $ct = $res->content_type; Gets or sets the content type of the response body =item content_length $res->content_length(length($body)); my $cl = $res->content_length; Gets or sets the content type of the response body =item location $res->location(''); my $location = $res->location; Gets or sets the location header for the response =item request $res->request($request); $request = $res->request; Gets or sets the HTTP request that created the current HTTP response. =item headers $headers = $res->headers; $res->headers(['Content-Type' => 'application/json']); Gets or sets HTTP response headers. =item header my $cl = $res->header('Content-Length'); $res->header('Content-Type' => 'application/json'); Shortcut for C<< $res->headers->header >>. =item finalise my $res = Net::HTTP::Response->new($status, $headers, $body); say "http status is ".$res->[0]; Return an arrayref: =over 2 =item status The first element of the array ref is the HTTP status =item headers The second element is an arrayref containing the list of HTTP headers =item body The third and final element is the body =back =back