package Net::HTTP::Spore; # ABSTRACT: SPORE client use Moose; use IO::All; use JSON; use Carp; use Try::Tiny; use Scalar::Util; use Net::HTTP::Spore::Core; our $VERSION = 0.03; # XXX should we let the possibility to override this super class, or add # another superclasses? sub new_from_string { my ($class, $string, %args) = @_; my $spore_class = Class::MOP::Class->create_anon_class( superclasses => ['Net::HTTP::Spore::Core'] ); my $spore_object = _attach_spec_to_class($string, \%args, $spore_class); return $spore_object; } sub new_from_strings { my $class = shift; my $opts; if (ref ($_[-1]) eq 'HASH') { $opts = pop @_; } my @strings = @_; my $spore_class = Class::MOP::Class->create_anon_class( superclasses => ['Net::HTTP::Spore::Core'] ); my $spore_object = undef; foreach my $string (@strings) { $spore_object = _attach_spec_to_class($string, $opts, $spore_class, $spore_object); } return $spore_object; } sub new_from_spec { my ( $class, $spec_file, %args ) = @_; Carp::confess("specification file is missing") unless $spec_file; my $content = _read_spec($spec_file); $class->new_from_string( $content, %args ); } sub new_from_specs { my $class = shift; my $opts; if (ref ($_[-1]) eq 'HASH') { $opts = pop @_; } my @specs = @_; my @strings; foreach my $spec (@specs) { push @strings,_read_spec($spec); } $class->new_from_strings(@strings, $opts); } sub _attach_spec_to_class { my ( $string, $opts, $class, $object ) = @_; my $spec; try { $spec = JSON::decode_json($string); } catch { Carp::confess( "unable to parse JSON spec: " . $_ ); }; try { my $base_url; if ( $spec->{base_url} && !$opts->{base_url} ) { $opts->{base_url} = $spec->{base_url}; } elsif ( !$opts->{base_url} ) { die "base_url is missing!"; } if ( $spec->{formats} ) { $opts->{formats} = $spec->{formats}; } if ( $spec->{authentication} ) { $opts->{authentication} = $spec->{authentication}; } if ( !$object ) { $object = $class->new_object(%$opts); } $object = _add_methods( $object, $spec->{methods} ); } catch { Carp::confess( "unable to create new Net::HTTP::Spore object: " . $_ ); }; return $object; } sub _read_spec { my $spec_file = shift; my $content; if ( $spec_file =~ m!^http(s)?://! ) { my $uri = URI->new($spec_file); my $req = HTTP::Request->new( GET => $spec_file ); my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(); my $res = $ua->request($req); $content = $res->content; } else { unless ( -f $spec_file ) { Carp::confess("$spec_file does not exists"); } $content < io($spec_file); } return $content; } sub _add_methods { my ($class, $methods_spec) = @_; foreach my $method_name (keys %$methods_spec) { $class->meta->add_spore_method($method_name, %{$methods_spec->{$method_name}}); } $class; } 1; =head1 SYNOPSIS my $client = Net::HTTP::Spore->new_from_spec('twitter.json'); # for identica my $client = Net::HTTP::Spore->new_from_spec('twitter.json', base_url => ''); $client->enable('Format::JSON'); my $timeline = $client->public_timeline(format => 'json'); my $tweets = $timeline->body; foreach my $tweet (@$tweets) { print $tweet->{user}->{screen_name}. " says ".$tweet->{text}."\n"; } my $friends_timeline = $client->friends_timeline(format => 'json'); =head1 DESCRIPTION This module is an implementation of the SPORE specification. To use this client, you need to use or to write a SPORE specification of an API. A description of the SPORE specification format is available at L Some specifications for well-known services are available L. =head2 CLIENT CREATION First you need to create a client. This can be done using two methods, B and B. The client will read the specification file to create a appropriate methods to interact with the API. =head2 MIDDLEWARES It's possible to activate some middlewares to extend the usage of the client. If you're using an API that discuss in JSON, you can enable the middleware L. $client->enable('Format::JSON'); or only on some path $client->enable_if(sub{$_->[0]->path =~ m!/path/to/json/stuff!}, 'Format::JSON'); =head2 METHODS =over 4 =item new_from_spec($specification_file, %args) Create and return a L object, with methods generated from the specification file. The specification file can either be a file on disk or a remote URL. =item new_from_string($specification_string, %args) Create and return a L object, with methods generated from the specification string. =head2 TRACING L provides a way to trace what's going on when doing a request. =head3 Enabling Trace You can enable tracing using the environment variable B. You can also enable tracing at construct time by adding B 1> when calling B. =head3 Trace Output By default output will be directed to B. You can specify another default output: SPORE_TRACE=1=log.txt or ->new_from_spec('spec.json', trace => '1=log.txt'); =back