{{$NEXT}} - Fix random test failure in t/spore-method/base.t related to random hash ordering in perl 5.17.6+ (#19) - Add support for PATCH HTTP method (#13, Andreas Marienborg) - Allow anonymous subs to be used as middleware (Brian Phillips) - Refactor internals of Net::HTTP::Spore building of specs to allow easier subclassing 0.05 Sun Nov 25 11:40:24 2012 - Fix a memory leak in Net::HTTP::Spore::Meta::Method (michaelr) - Fix meta information in the dist.ini file (dolmen) 0.04 Tue Jul 26 11:32:00 2011 - allow XML::Simple options for Format::XML (fperrad) - stringify Net::HTTP::Response to a useful message - fix an issue where content-typ was not set correctly - add is_success method to Net::HTTP::Spore::Response (Tim Bunce) - throw exception by default if not is_success (Tim Bunce) - convert examples to JSON (Tim Bunce) - update POD readability (Tim Bunce) - Added generic role - OAuth middleware - add option to display trace (via env or constructor) - DoNotTrack middleware 0.03 Mon 22 Nov 2010 03:01:35 PM CET - add form-data and headers - add tests - don't depends on Net::HTTP::API anymore - remove 'path_info' method from N::H::S::Request object - remove 'query_string' method from N::H::S::Request object 0.02 Thu 14 Oct 2010 02:08:27 PM CEST - add types for JSON booleans values - params is now an hashref with 'optional' and 'required' - update some tests - updated couchdb.json spec for our tests 0.01 Tue 14 Sep 2010 03:18:22 PM CEST - initial release