package FakeAPI; use Moose; use MooseX::Net::API; use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Response; use JSON::XS; net_api_declare demorest => ( base_url => "", format => 'json', format_mode => 'content-type', authentication => 0, username => 'foo', password => 'bar', useragent => sub { my ($self) = @_; my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(); $ua->add_handler( request_send => sub { my $request = shift; my $res = HTTP::Response->new(200, 'OK'); $res->header('content-type' => 'application/json'); $res->content(encode_json {status => 1}); return $res; } ); return $ua; }, ); net_api_method users => ( description => 'get a list of users', method => 'GET', path => '/users/', expected => [qw/200/], ); net_api_method get_user => ( description => 'fetch information about a specific user', method => 'GET', path => '/user/$id', params => [qw/id/], required => [qw/id/], expected => [qw/200 404/], ); net_api_method create_user => ( description => 'create a new user', method => 'POST', path => '/user/', params => [qw/user nickname/], required => [qw/user nickname/], ); net_api_method update_user => ( description => 'update information about a specific user', method => 'PUT', path => '/user/$id', params => [qw/id nickname/], required => [qw/id nickname/], ); net_api_method delete_user => ( description => 'terminate an user', method => 'DELETE', path => '/user/$id', params => [qw/id/], required => [qw/id/], ); net_api_method auth_get_user => ( description => 'fetch information about a specific user with authentication', method => 'GET', path => '/auth_user/$id', params => [qw/id/], required => [qw/id/], expected => [qw/200 404/], authentication => 1, ); 1;