package Net::HTTP::API::Meta::Method::APIMethod; # ABSTRACT: declare API method use Moose::Role; use Net::HTTP::API::Error; use Net::HTTP::API::Meta::Method; use MooseX::Types::Moose qw/Str ArrayRef/; has local_net_api_methods => ( traits => ['Array'], is => 'rw', isa => ArrayRef [Str], required => 1, default => sub { [] }, auto_deref => 1, handles => { _find_net_api_method_by_name => 'first', _add_net_api_method => 'push', get_all_net_api_methods => 'elements', }, ); sub find_net_api_method_by_name { my ($meta, $name) = @_; my $method_name = $meta->_find_net_api_method_by_name(sub {/^$name$/}); return unless $method_name; my $method = $meta->find_method_by_name($method_name); if ($method->isa('Class::MOP::Method::Wrapped')) { return $method->get_original_method; } else { return $method; } } sub remove_net_api_method { my ($meta, $name) = @_; my @methods = grep { !/$name/ } $meta->get_all_net_api_methods; $meta->local_net_api_methods(\@methods); $meta->remove_method($name); } before add_net_api_method => sub { my ($meta, $name) = @_; if ($meta->_find_net_api_method_by_name(sub {/^$name$/})) { die Net::HTTP::API::Error->new( reason => "method '$name' is already declared in " . $meta->name); } }; sub add_net_api_method { my ($meta, $name, %options) = @_; # XXX accept blessed method ? my $code = delete $options{code}; $meta->add_method( $name, Net::HTTP::API::Meta::Method->wrap( name => $name, package_name => $meta->name, body => $code, %options ), ); $meta->_add_net_api_method($name); } after add_net_api_method => sub { my ($meta, $name) = @_; $meta->add_before_method_modifier( $name, sub { my $self = shift; die Net::HTTP::API::Error->new( reason => "'api_base_url' have not been defined") unless $self->api_base_url; } ); }; 1; =head1 SYNOPSIS my $api_client = MyAPI->new; my @methods = $api_client->meta->get_all_api_methods(); my $method = $api_client->meta->find_net_api_method_by_name('users'); $api_client->meta->remove_net_api_method($method); $api_client->meta->add_net_api_method('users', sub {...}, description => 'this method does...',); =head1 DESCRIPTION =method get_all_net_api_methods Return a list of net api methods =method find_net_api_method_by_name Return a net api method =method remove_net_api_method Remove a net api method =method add_net_api_method Add a net api method