package MooseX::Net::API; use URI; use Try::Tiny; use HTTP::Request; use Moose; use Moose::Exporter; use MooseX::Net::API::Error; use MooseX::Net::API::Meta::Class; use MooseX::Net::API::Meta::Method; use MooseX::Net::API::Role::Serialize; use MooseX::Net::API::Role::Deserialize; our $VERSION = '0.10'; my $list_content_type = { 'json' => 'application/json', 'yaml' => 'text/x-yaml', 'xml' => 'text/xml', }; my ( $do_auth, $base_url, $auth_method, $deserialize_method ); Moose::Exporter->setup_import_methods( with_caller => [qw/net_api_method net_api_declare/], ); sub init_meta { my ( $me, %options ) = @_; my $for = $options{for_class}; Moose::Util::MetaRole::apply_metaroles( for_class => $for, metaclass_roles => ['MooseX::Net::API::Meta::Class'], ); } sub net_api_declare { my $caller = shift; my $name = shift; my %options = @_; my $class = Moose::Meta::Class->initialize($caller); $class->add_attribute( 'api_base_url', is => 'rw', isa => 'Str', lazy => 1, default => delete $options{base_url} || '' ); if ( !$options{format} ) { die MooseX::Net::API::Error->new( reason => "format is missing in your api declaration" ); } elsif ( !$list_content_type->{ $options{format} } ) { die MooseX::Net::API::Error->new( reason => "format is not recognised. It must be " . join( " or ", keys %$list_content_type ) ); } else { $class->add_attribute( 'api_format', is => 'ro', isa => 'Str', lazy => 1, default => delete $options{format} ); } if ( !$options{format_mode} ) { die MooseX::Net::API::Error->new( reason => "format_mode is not set" ); } elsif ( $options{format_mode} !~ /^(?:append|content\-type)$/ ) { die MooseX::Net::API::Error->new( reason => "format_mode must be append or content-type" ); } else { $class->add_attribute( 'api_format_mode', is => 'ro', isa => 'Str', lazy => 1, default => delete $options{format_mode} ); } if ( !$options{useragent} ) { _add_useragent($class); } else { my $method = $options{useragent}; if ( ref $method ne 'CODE' ) { die MooseX::Net::API::Error->new( reason => "useragent must be a CODE ref" ); } else { _add_useragent( $class, delete $options{useragent} ); } } if ( $options{authentication} ) { $do_auth = delete $options{authentication}; } if ( $options{username} ) { $class->add_attribute( 'api_username', is => 'ro', isa => 'Str', lazy => 1, default => delete $options{username} ); if ( $options{password} ) { $class->add_attribute( 'api_password', is => 'ro', isa => 'Str', lazy => 1, default => delete $options{password} ); } } if ( $options{authentication_method} ) { $auth_method = delete $options{authentication_method}; } if ( $options{deserialisation} ) { $deserialize_method = delete $options{deserialize_order}; } else { MooseX::Net::API::Role::Deserialize->meta->apply( $caller->meta ); } if ( $options{serialisation} ) { $deserialize_method = delete $options{serialize_order}; } else { MooseX::Net::API::Role::Serialize->meta->apply( $caller->meta ); } } sub net_api_method { my $caller = shift; my $name = shift; my %options = ( authentication => $do_auth, @_ ); if ( !$options{params} && $options{required} ) { die MooseX::Net::API::Error->new( reason => "you can't require a param that have not been declared" ); } if ( $options{required} ) { foreach my $required ( @{ $options{required} } ) { die MooseX::Net::API::Error->new( reason => "$required is required but is not declared in params" ) if ( !grep { $_ eq $required } @{ $options{params} } ); } } my $class = Moose::Meta::Class->initialize($caller); my $code; if ( !$options{code} ) { $code = sub { my $self = shift; my %args = @_; my $meta = $self->meta; if ( $auth_method && !$meta->find_method_by_name($auth_method) ) { die MooseX::Net::API::Error->new( reason => "you provided $auth_method as an authentication method, but it's not available in your object" ); } if ( $deserialize_method && !$meta->find_method_by_name($deserialize_method) ) { die MooseX::Net::API::Error->new( reason => "you provided $deserialize_method for deserialisation, but the method is not available in your object" ); } # check if there is no undeclared param foreach my $arg ( keys %args ) { if ( !grep { $arg eq $_ } @{ $options{params} } ) { die MooseX::Net::API::Error->new( reason => "$arg is not declared as a param" ); } } # check if all our params declared as required are present foreach my $required ( @{ $options{required} } ) { if ( !grep { $required eq $_ } keys %args ) { die MooseX::Net::API::Error->new( reason => "$required is declared as required, but is not present" ); } } my $path = $options{path}; # replace all args in the url while ( $path =~ /\$(\w+)/g ) { my $match = $1; if ( my $value = delete $args{$match} ) { $path =~ s/\$$match/$value/; } } $path .= '/' if ( $self->api_base_url !~ m!/^! ); my $url = $self->api_base_url . $path; my $format = $self->api_format(); $url .= "." . $format if ( $self->api_format_mode() eq 'append' ); my $uri = URI->new($url); my $res = _request( $self, $format, \%options, $uri, \%args ); if ( $options{expected} ) { if ( !grep { $_ eq $res->code } @{ $options{expected} } ) { die MooseX::Net::API::Error->new( reason => "unexpected code", http_error => $res ); } } my $content_type = $res->headers->{"content-type"}; $content_type =~ s/(;.+)$//; my @deserialize_order = ( $content_type, $format, keys %$list_content_type ); my $content; if ($deserialize_method) { $content = $self->$deserialize_method( $res->content, @deserialize_order ); } else { $content = $self->_do_deserialization( $res->content, @deserialize_order ); } if ( $res->is_success ) { if (wantarray) { return ( $content, $res ); } else { return $content; } } die MooseX::Net::API::Error->new( http_error => $res, reason => $content ); }; } else { $code = $options{code}; } $class->add_method( $name, MooseX::Net::API::Meta::Method->new( name => $name, package_name => $caller, body => $code, %options, ), ); $class->_add_api_method($name); } sub _add_useragent { my $class = shift; my $code = shift; if ( !$code ) { try { require LWP::UserAgent; } catch { die MooseX::Net::API::Error->new( reason => "no useragent defined and LWP::UserAgent is not available" ); }; $code = sub { my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(); $ua->agent("MooseX::Net::API/$VERSION (Perl)"); $ua->env_proxy; return $ua; }; } $class->add_attribute( 'api_useragent', is => 'rw', isa => 'Any', lazy => 1, default => $code, ); } sub _request { my ( $self, $format, $options, $uri, $args ) = @_; my $req; my $method = $options->{method}; if ( $method =~ /^(?:GET|DELETE)$/ || $options->{params_in_url} ) { $uri->query_form(%$args); $req = HTTP::Request->new( $method => $uri ); } elsif ( $method =~ /^(?:POST|PUT)$/ ) { $req = HTTP::Request->new( $method => $uri ); my $content = $self->_do_serialization( $args, $format ); $req->content($content); } else { die MooseX::Net::API::Error->new( reason => "$method is not defined" ); } $req->header( 'Content-Type' => $list_content_type->{$format} ) if $self->api_format_mode eq 'content-type'; if ( $do_auth || $options->{authentication} ) { if ($auth_method) { $req = $self->$auth_method($req); } else { $req = _do_authentication( $self, $req ); } } return $self->api_useragent->request($req); } sub _do_authentication { my ( $caller, $req ) = @_; $req->headers->authorization_basic( $caller->api_username, $caller->api_password ) if ( $caller->api_username && $caller->api_password ); return $req; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME MooseX::Net::API - Easily create client for net API =head1 SYNOPSIS package My::Net::API; use Moose; use MooseX::Net::API; # we declare an API, the base_url is # the format is json and it will be happened to the query # You can set base_url later, calling $obj->api_base_url('http://..') net_api_declare my_api => ( base_url => '', format => 'json', format_api => 'append', ); # calling $obj->foo will call$user&group=$group net_api_method foo => ( description => 'this get foo', method => 'GET', path => '/foo/', params => [qw/user group/], required => [qw/user/], ); # you can create your own useragent net_api_declare my_api => ( ... useragent => sub { my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; $ua->agent('MyUberAgent/0.23'); return $ua }, ... ); # if the API require authentification, the module will handle basic # authentication for you net_api_declare my_api => ( ... authentication => 1, ... ); # if the authentication is more complex, you can delegate to your own method 1; my $obj = My::Net::API->new(); $obj->api_base_url('http://...'); $obj->foo(user => $user); =head1 DESCRIPTION MooseX::Net::API is module to help to easily create a client for a web API. This module is heavily inspired by what L does. B =head2 METHODS =over 4 =item B net_api_declare backtype => ( base_url => 'http://api....', format => 'json', format_mode => 'append', ); =over 2 =item B (required) The base url for all the API's calls. This will add an B attribut to your class. =item B (required, must be either xml, json or yaml) The format for the API's calls. This will add an B attribut to your class. =item B (required, must be 'append' or 'content-type') How the format is handled. B will add B<.json> to the query, B will add the content-type information to the header of the request. =item B (optional, by default it's a LWP::UserAgent object) useragent => sub { my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; $ua->agent( "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20061204 Firefox/"); return $ua; }, =item B (optional) This is a boolean to tell if we must authenticate to use this API. =item B (optional) The default authentication method only set an authorization header using the Basic Authentication Scheme. You can write your own authentication method: net_api_declare foo => ( ... authentication_method => 'my_auth_method', ... ); sub my_auth_method { my ($self, $req) = @_; #$req is an HTTP::Request object ... return $req; } =back =item B =over 2 =item B [string] description of the method (this is a documentation) =item B [string] HTTP method (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) =item B [string] path of the query. If you defined your path and params like this net_api_method user_comments => ( ... path => '/user/$user/list/$date/', params => [qw/user date foo bar/], ... ); and you call $obj->user_comments(user => 'franck', date => 'today', foo => 1, bar => 2); the url generetad will look like /user/franck/list/today/?foo=1&bar=2 =item B [arrayref] list of params. =item B [arrayref] list of required params. =item B (optional) should we do an authenticated call =item B (optional) When you do a post, the content may have to be sent as arguments in the url, and not as content in the header. =back =back =head1 AUTHOR franck cuny Efranck@lumberjaph.netE =head1 SEE ALSO =head1 LICENSE Copyright 2009 by Linkfluence This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut