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path: root/lib/Net/HTTP/API.pm
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/Net/HTTP/API.pm')
1 files changed, 286 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Net/HTTP/API.pm b/lib/Net/HTTP/API.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92908bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Net/HTTP/API.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
+package Net::HTTP::API;
+# ABSTRACT: Easily create client for net API
+use Moose;
+use Moose::Exporter;
+our $VERSION = '0.11';
+    with_meta => [qw/net_api_method net_api_declare/],
+    also      => [qw/Moose/]
+sub net_api_method {
+    my $meta = shift;
+    my $name = shift;
+    $meta->add_net_api_method($name, @_);
+sub net_api_declare {
+    my $meta = shift;
+    my $name = shift;
+    $meta->add_net_api_declare($name, @_);
+sub init_meta {
+    my ($class, %options) = @_;
+    my $for = $options{for_class};
+    Moose->init_meta(%options);
+    my $meta = Moose::Util::MetaRole::apply_metaroles(
+        for_class       => $for,
+        metaclass_roles => ['Net::HTTP::API::Meta::Class'],
+    );
+    Moose::Util::MetaRole::apply_base_class_roles(
+        for   => $for,
+        roles => [
+            qw/
+              Net::HTTP::API::Role::UserAgent
+              Net::HTTP::API::Role::Format
+              Net::HTTP::API::Role::Authentication
+              Net::HTTP::API::Role::Serialization
+              Net::HTTP::API::Role::Request
+              /
+        ],
+    );
+    $meta;
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+    package My::Net::API;
+    use Net::HTTP::API;
+    # we declare an API, the base_url is http://exemple.com/api
+    # the format is json and it will be append to the query
+    # You can set api_base_url later, calling $obj->api_base_url('http://..')
+    net_api_declare my_api => (
+        api_base_url    => 'http://exemple.com/api',
+        api_format      => 'json',
+        api_format_mode => 'append',
+    );
+    # declaring a users method
+    # calling $obj->users will call http://exemple.com/api/users/france
+    net_api_method users => (
+        description => 'this get a list of users',
+        method      => 'GET',
+        path        => '/users/:country',
+        params      => [qw/country/],
+    );
+    # you can create your own useragent (it must be a LWP::UserAgent object)
+    net_api_declare my_api => (
+        ...
+        useragent => sub {
+            my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
+            $ua->agent('MyUberAgent/0.23');
+            return $ua
+        },
+        ...
+    );
+    # if the API require authentification, the module will handle basic
+    # authentication for you
+    net_api_declare my_api => (
+        ...
+        authentication => 1,
+        ...
+    );
+    # if the authentication is more complex, you can delegate to your own method
+    1;
+    my $obj = My::Net::API->new();
+    $obj->api_base_url('http://...');
+    $obj->foo(user => $user);
+Net::HTTP::API is a module to help to easily create a client for a web API.
+This module is heavily inspired by what L<Net::Twitter> does.
+The following roles are added to your class:
+=over 4
+=item B<Net::HTTP::API::Role::UserAgent>
+=item B<Net::HTTP::API::Role::Format>
+=item B<Net::HTTP::API::Role::Authentication>
+=item B<Net::HTTP::API::Role::Serialization>
+=item B<Net::HTTP::API::Role::Request>
+The following attributes are added to your class:
+=over 4
+=item B<api_base_url>
+=item B<api_format>
+=item B<api_username>
+=item B<api_passord>
+=item B<authentication>
+=item B<authentication_method>
+The following methods are added to your class:
+=over 4
+=item B<http_request>
+=item B<get_content>
+=item B<serialize>
+=item B<deserialize>
+=item B<content_type>
+=head2 METHODS
+=over 4
+=item B<net_api_declare>
+    net_api_declare backtype => (
+        base_url    => 'http://api....',
+        format      => 'json',
+        format_mode => 'append',
+    );
+=over 2
+=item B<api_base_url>
+The base url for all the API's calls. This will set the B<api_base_url> attribut in your class. Can be set at the object creation or before calling an API method.
+=item B<api_format>
+The format for the API's calls. This will set the B<api_format> attribut to your class. Value can be:
+=over 2
+=item B<json>
+=item B<yaml>
+=item B<xml>
+=item B<api_format_mode>
+How the format is handled. B<append> will add B<.$format> to the query, B<content-type> will set the content-type information to the header of the request. Should be one the following value:
+=over 2
+=item B<content-type>
+=item B<append>
+=item B<api_useragent>
+A L<LWP::UserAgent> object.
+    useragent => sub {
+        my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
+        $ua->agent( "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20061204 Firefox/");
+        return $ua;
+    }
+=item B<authentication>
+This is a boolean to tell if we must authenticate to use this API.
+=item B<authentication_method>
+The default authentication method only set an authorization header using the Basic Authentication Scheme. You can write your own authentication method:
+  net_api_declare foo => (
+    ...
+    authentication_method => 'my_auth_method',
+    ...
+  );
+  sub my_auth_method {
+    my ($self, $req) = @_; #$req is an HTTP::Request object
+    ...
+  }
+=item B<net_api_method>
+=over 2
+=item B<description>
+A string to describe the method (this is a documentation)
+=item B<method>
+=item B<path>
+path of the query.
+If you defined your path and params like this
+    net_api_method user_comments => (
+      ...
+      path => '/user/:user/list/:date',
+      params => [qw/user date foo bar/],
+      ...
+    );
+and you call
+    $obj->user_comments(user => 'franck', date => 'today', foo => 1, bar => 2);
+the url generated will look like
+    /user/franck/list/today/?foo=1&bar=2
+=item B<params>
+Arrayref of params.
+=item B<required>
+Arrayref of required params.
+=item B<params_in_url>
+When you do a post, the content may have to be sent as arguments in the url, and not as content in the header.