package MooseX::Net::API::Role::Request; use Moose::Role; use HTTP::Request; use MooseX::Net::API::Error; use MooseX::Types::URI qw(Uri); has api_base_url => ( is => 'rw', isa => Uri, coerce => 1, lazy => 1, default => sub { my $self = shift; my $api_base_url = $self->meta->get_api_option('api_base_url'); if (!$api_base_url) { die MooseX::Net::API::Error->new( reason => "'api_base_url' have not been defined"); } $api_base_url; } ); sub http_request { my ($self, $method, $uri, $params_in_url, $args) = @_; my $request; if ( $method =~ /^(?:GET|DELETE)$/ || $params_in_url ) { $uri->query_form(%$args); $request = HTTP::Request->new( $method => $uri ); } elsif ( $method =~ /^(?:POST|PUT)$/ ) { $request = HTTP::Request->new( $method => $uri ); my $content = $self->serialize($args); $request->content($content); } else { die MooseX::Net::API::Error->new( reason => "$method is not defined" ); } $request->header( 'Content-Type' => $self->content_type->{$self->api_format}->{value}) if $self->api_format_mode eq 'content-type'; # XXX lwp hook! my $result = $self->api_useragent->request($request); return $result; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME MooseX::Net::API::Role::Request =head1 SYNOPSIS =head1 DESCRIPTION =head2 METHODS =over 4 =item B =back =head2 ATTRIBUTES =over 4 =item B =back =head1 AUTHOR franck cuny Efranck@lumberjaph.netE =head1 SEE ALSO =head1 LICENSE Copyright 2009, 2010 by Linkfluence This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut