use strict; use warnings; use Test::Most tests => 9; use Data::Dumper; use Test::MockObject; use_ok "jitterbug::Emailer"; sub setup { my $buildconf = { on_failure_from_email => '', on_failure_cc_email => '', on_failure_subject_prefix => 'BLARG ', on_failure_header => "Summary:\n%%SUMMARY%%", on_failure_footer => "FOOT", }; my $conf = { jitterbug => { build_process => $buildconf } }; my $commit = Test::MockObject->new; my $project = Test::MockObject->new; my $task = Test::MockObject->new; $project->mock('name', sub { 'ponie' }); $commit->mock('sha256', sub { 'c0decafe' }); $commit->mock('content', sub { '{ "message" : "blargly blarg" }' } ); $task->mock('commit', sub { $commit }); $task->mock('project', sub { $project }); return ($conf, $commit, $project, $task); } { my ($conf, $commit, $project, $task) = setup(); my $tap = "THIS IS TAP"; my $e = jitterbug::Emailer->new($conf, $task, $tap, 'failure'); isa_ok($e,'jitterbug::Emailer'); can_ok($e,qw/new run/); $e->run; my $email = $e->{'last_email_sent'}{'email'}; like($email->body, qr/THIS IS TAP/, 'email body looks right'); my $header = $email->{'header'}; isa_ok($header, 'Email::MIME::Header'); is($header->header_raw('cc'), '', 'cc header'); like($header->header_raw('subject'), qr/BLARG ponie @ c0decafe blargly blarg/, 'subject header'); is($header->header_raw('from'), '', 'from header'); } { my ($conf, $commit, $project, $task) = setup(); my $tap = < blib/lib/Math/Primality/ Copying lib/Math/Primality/ -> blib/lib/Math/Primality/ Copying lib/Math/ -> blib/lib/Math/ Copying bin/ -> blib/script/ Copying bin/ -> blib/script/ # Testing Math::Primality 0.0401, Perl 5.010001, /usr/bin/perl t/00-load.t ...................... 1..1 ok 1 - use Math::Primality; ok # Failed test '-1 is not prime' # at t/is_prime.t line 16. # Looks like you failed 1 test of 573. t/is_prime.t ..................... 1..6 ok 1 - is_prime should handle Math::GMPz objects, three is prime ok 2 - 2 is prime ok 3 - 1 is not prime ok 4 - 0 is not prime not ok 5 - -1 is not prime ok 6 - blarg t/boilerplate.t .................. 1..3 ok 1 - README contains no boilerplate text ok 2 - Changes contains no boilerplate text ok 3 - lib/Math/ contains no boilerplate text ok Test Summary Report ------------------- t/is_prime.t (Wstat: 256 Tests: 573 Failed: 1) Failed test: 5 Non-zero exit status: 1 Failed 1/11 test programs. 1/2498 subtests failed. Files=11, Tests=2498, 3 wallclock secs ( 0.20 usr 0.04 sys + 2.99 cusr 0.18 csys = 3.41 CPU) Result: FAIL TAP my $e = jitterbug::Emailer->new($conf, $task, $tap, 'failure'); $e->run; my $email = $e->{'last_email_sent'}{'email'}; my $body = < blib/lib/Math/Primality/ Copying lib/Math/Primality/ -> blib/lib/Math/Primality/ Copying lib/Math/ -> blib/lib/Math/ Copying bin/ -> blib/script/ Copying bin/ -> blib/script/ # Testing Math::Primality 0.0401, Perl 5.010001, /usr/bin/perl t/00-load.t ...................... 1..1 ok 1 - use Math::Primality; ok # Failed test '-1 is not prime' # at t/is_prime.t line 16. # Looks like you failed 1 test of 573. t/is_prime.t ..................... 1..6 ok 1 - is_prime should handle Math::GMPz objects, three is prime ok 2 - 2 is prime ok 3 - 1 is not prime ok 4 - 0 is not prime not ok 5 - -1 is not prime ok 6 - blarg t/boilerplate.t .................. 1..3 ok 1 - README contains no boilerplate text ok 2 - Changes contains no boilerplate text ok 3 - lib/Math/ contains no boilerplate text ok Test Summary Report ------------------- t/is_prime.t (Wstat: 256 Tests: 573 Failed: 1) Failed test: 5 Non-zero exit status: 1 Failed 1/11 test programs. 1/2498 subtests failed. Files=11, Tests=2498, 3 wallclock secs ( 0.20 usr 0.04 sys + 2.99 cusr 0.18 csys = 3.41 CPU) Result: FAIL FOOT EMAIL my $ebody = $email->body; $ebody =~ s/\r\n/\n/g; eq_or_diff($ebody, $body, 'email body has failure summary'); }