package jitterbug::Builder; use strict; use warnings; use DateTime; use YAML qw/LoadFile Dump/; use JSON; use File::Path qw/rmtree/; use Path::Class; use Getopt::Long qw/:config no_ignore_case/; use File::Basename; use jitterbug::Schema; use Cwd; #use Data::Dumper; local $| = 1; use constant DEBUG => $ENV{DEBUG} || 0; sub new { my $self = bless {} => shift; GetOptions( 'C|cron' => \$self->{'cron'}, 'c|config=s' => \$self->{'config'}, 's|sleep=i' => \$self->{'sleep'}, ) or die "Cannot get options\n"; $self->{'config'} or die qq{missing config.yml, use "-c config.yml" to help us find it\n}; die "Does not exist!: " . $self->{'config'} unless -e $self->{'config'}; return $self; } sub debug { warn @_ if DEBUG; } sub run { my $self = shift || die "Must call run() from object\n"; my $conf = $self->{'conf'} = LoadFile( $self->{'config'} ); my $dbix_conf = $conf->{'plugins'}{'DBIC'}{'schema'}; debug("Loaded config file: " . $self->{'config'}); debug("Connection Info: " . join ':', @{ $dbix_conf->{'connect_info'} }); $self->{'schema'} = jitterbug::Schema->connect( @{ $dbix_conf->{'connect_info'} } ); $self->{'interval'} = $self->{'sleep'} || $conf->{'jitterbug'}{'builder'}{'sleep'} || 30; return $self->build; } sub build { my $self = shift; while (1) { my @tasks = $self->{'schema'}->resultset('Task')->all(); debug("Found " . scalar(@tasks) . " tasks"); foreach my $task (@tasks) { $task ? $self->run_task($task) : $self->sleep; } $self->{'cron'} and return 0; $self->sleep(5); } return 1; } sub sleep { my ($self, $interval) = @_; $interval ||= $self->{'interval'}; debug("sleeping for $interval seconds\n"); sleep $interval; } sub _clone_into { my ($repo, $dir) = @_; my $pwd = getcwd; chdir $dir; debug("cloning $repo into $dir"); system("git clone $repo $dir"); chdir $pwd; } sub _prepare_git_repo { my ($self, $task, $buildconf, $build_dir, $cached_repo_dir) = @_; my $repo = $task->project->url; my $name = $task->project->name; debug("Removing $build_dir"); rmtree($build_dir, { error => \my $err } ); warn @$err if @$err; # If we aren't reusing/caching git repos, clone from remote into the build dir unless ($buildconf->{reuse_repo}) { _clone_into($repo, $build_dir); } else { # We are caching git repos, so we clone a new repo from our local # cached git repo, then checkout the correct sha1 debug("build_dir = $build_dir"); unless ( -d catfile($cached_repo_dir,$name) ) { # If this is the first time, the repo won't exist yet # Clone it into our cached repo directory _clone_into($repo, $cached_repo_dir); } my $pwd = getcwd; chdir $cached_repo_dir; # TODO: Error Checking debug("Fetching new commits into $cached_repo_dir"); system("git fetch --prune"); chdir $pwd; debug("Cloning from cached repo $cached_repo_dir into $build_dir"); _clone_into($cached_repo_dir, $build_dir); chdir $build_dir; $self->sleep(1); # avoid race conditions # TODO: this may fail on non-unixy systems debug("checking out " . $task->commit->sha256); system("git checkout " . $task->commit->sha256 . "&>/dev/null" ); chdir $pwd; } } sub build_task { my ($self, $conf, $project, $task, $report_path) = @_; my $buildconf = $conf->{'jitterbug'}{'build_process'}; my $dir = $conf->{'jitterbug'}{'build'}{'dir'}; mkdir $dir unless -d $dir; my $build_dir = dir($dir, $project->name); my $cached_repo_dir = dir($dir, 'cached'); mkdir $cached_repo_dir unless -d $cached_repo_dir; $self->_prepare_git_repo($task, $buildconf, $build_dir, $cached_repo_dir); my $builder = $conf->{'jitterbug'}{'projects'}{$project->name}{'builder'} || $conf->{'jitterbug'}{'build_process'}{'builder'}; my $perlbrew = $conf->{'jitterbug'}{'options'}{'perlbrew'}; debug("perlbrew = $perlbrew"); # If the project has custom builder variables, use those. Otherwise, use the global setting my $builder_variables = $conf->{'jitterbug'}{'projects'}{$project->name}{'builder_variables'} || $conf->{'jitterbug'}{'build_process'}{'builder_variables'} || ''; my $builder_command = "$builder_variables $builder $build_dir $report_path $perlbrew"; debug("Going to run builder : $builder_command"); my $res = `$builder_command`; debug($res); return $res; } sub run_task { my ($self,$task) = @_; my $desc = JSON::decode_json( $task->commit->content ); my $conf = $self->{'conf'}; my $project = $task->project; my $report_path = dir( $conf->{'jitterbug'}{'reports'}{'dir'}, $project->name, $task->commit->sha256, ); my $dt = DateTime->now(); $task->update({started_when => $dt}); $desc->{'build'}{'start_time'} = $dt->epoch; debug("Build Start"); $self->build_task($conf, $project, $task, $report_path); $desc->{'build'}{'end_time'} = time(); $self->_parse_results($report_path, $conf, $task, $desc); $task->commit->update( { content => JSON::encode_json($desc), } ); debug("Task completed for " . $task->commit->sha256 . "\n"); $task->delete(); debug("Task removed from " . $task->project->name . "\n"); } sub _parse_results { my ($self, $report_path, $conf, $task, $desc) = @_; my $email_on_pass = $conf->{'jitterbug'}{'options'}{'email_on_pass'}; debug("email_on_pass = $email_on_pass"); my @versions = glob( $report_path . '/*' ); foreach my $version (@versions) { open my $fh, '<', $version; my ($result, $lines); while (<$fh>){ $lines .= $_; } # if $result is undefined, either there was a build failure # or the test output is not from a TAP harness ($result) = $lines =~ /Result:\s(\w+)/; my ( $name, ) = basename($version); $name =~ s/\.txt//; debug("Result of test suite is $result"); # TODO: Unify this code if ( !$result || ($result && $result !~ /PASS/ )) { debug("Emailing FAIL report"); # mail author of the commit $result = "FAIL"; my $message = $desc->{'message'}; my $commiter = $desc->{'author'}{'email'}; my $output = $lines; my $sha = $desc->{'id'}; my $on_failure = $conf->{'jitterbug'}{'build_process'}{'on_failure'}; my $on_failure_cc_email = $conf->{'jitterbug'}{'build_process'}{'on_failure_cc_email'}; $message =~ s/'/\\'/g; $commiter =~ s/'/\\'/g; $output =~ s/'/\\'/g; # does it look like a module name? if ($on_failure =~ /::/) { # we should do some error checking here eval "require $on_failure"; $on_failure->new($conf,$task,$output,'failure')->run; } else { my $failure_cmd = sprintf("%s '%s' %s '%s' '%s' %s %s", $on_failure, $commiter, $task->project->name, $message, $output, $sha, $on_failure_cc_email); debug("Running failure command: $failure_cmd"); system($failure_cmd); } } elsif ($email_on_pass) { debug("Emailing PASS report"); $result = "PASS"; my $message = $desc->{'message'}; my $commiter = $desc->{'author'}{'email'}; my $output = $lines; my $sha = $desc->{'id'}; my $on_pass = $conf->{'jitterbug'}{'build_process'}{'on_pass'}; my $on_pass_cc_email = $conf->{'jitterbug'}{'build_process'}{'on_pass_cc_email'}; $message =~ s/'/\\'/g; $commiter =~ s/'/\\'/g; $output =~ s/'/\\'/g; # does it look like a module name? if ($on_pass =~ /::/) { # we should do some error checking here eval "require $on_pass"; $on_pass->new($conf,$task,$output, 'pass')->run; } else { my $pass_cmd = sprintf("%s '%s' %s '%s' '%s' %s %s", $on_pass, $commiter, $task->project->name, $message, $output, $sha, $on_pass_cc_email); debug("Running pass command: $pass_cmd"); system($pass_cmd); } } $desc->{'build'}{'version'}{$name} = $result; close $fh; } }