package Graph::GEXF; # ABSTRACT: Manipulate graph file in GEXF use Moose; use Data::UUID::LibUUID; use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints; use Graph::GEXF::Node; with 'Graph::GEXF::Role::XML', 'Graph::GEXF::Role::Attributes' => { for => [qw/node edge/], with_method => 1 }; =attr visualization (B) if set to true, the generated graph will includes visualizations informations =cut has visualization => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Bool', predicate => 'has_visualization', ); =attr graph_mode (B) Is your graph static or dynamic. =cut has graph_mode => ( is => 'ro', isa => enum( [qw/static dynamic/] ), required => 1, default => 'static', ); =attr edge_type (B) The type of the edges =cut has edge_type => ( is => 'ro', isa => enum( [qw/directed undirected mutual notset/] ), required => 1, default => 'directed', ); =attr nodes a HashRef of L objects. =cut =method total_nodes Return the list of nodes attached to the graph =cut =method get_node Return a node =cut =method add_node_attribute($name, $type, [$default_value]) Add attributes to node =method all_nodes Return all the nodes =cut has nodes => ( traits => ['Hash'], is => 'rw', isa => 'HashRef[Graph::GEXF::Node]', default => sub { {} }, auto_deref => 1, handles => { _node_exists => 'exists', _add_node => 'set', total_nodes => 'count', get_node => 'get', all_nodes => 'keys', }, ); =method add_node Add a new node to the graph =cut sub add_node { my $self = shift; my ($id, %attributes); # TODO should be possible to add a Graph::GEXF::Node too if ( @_ == 1 ) { $id = shift; } else { if ( ( @_ % 2 ) == 0 ) { %attributes = @_; } else { $id = shift; %attributes = @_; } } if ($id && $self->_node_exists($id)) { die "Can't add node wih id $id: already exists"; } $id = new_uuid_string() if !defined $id; my $node = Graph::GEXF::Node->new(id => $id); map { my $attribute = $self->get_node_attribute($_); $node->set_node_attribute( $_ => { id => $attribute->{id}, name => $attribute->{name}, type => $attribute->{type}, } ); } $self->attributes_node_list; $self->_add_node($id => $node); $node; } 1; =head1 SYNOPSIS # create a new graph my $graph = Graph::GEXF->new(); # add some attributes for nodes $graph->add_node_attribute('url', 'string'); # create a new node and set the label my $n1 = $graph->add_node(0); $n1->label('Gephi'); my $n2 = $graph->add_node(1); $n2->label('WebAtlas'); my $n3 = $graph->add_node(2); $n3->label('RTGI'); # create relations between nodes $n1->link_to(1, 2); $n2->link_to(0); $n3->link_to(1); # set the value for attributes $n1->attribute('url' => ''); $n2->attribute('url' => ''); $n3->attribute('url' => ''); # render the graph in XML my $xml = $graph->to_xml;