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path: root/lib/Graph/
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/Graph/')
1 files changed, 52 insertions, 34 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Graph/ b/lib/Graph/
index 8f7d1ef..f226b06 100644
--- a/lib/Graph/
+++ b/lib/Graph/
@@ -14,12 +14,24 @@ with
   'Graph::GEXF::Role::Attributes' =>
   { for => [qw/node edge/], with_method => 1 };
+=attr visualization (B<Boolean>)
+if set to true, the generated graph will includes visualizations informations
 has visualization => (
     is        => 'ro',
     isa       => 'Bool',
     predicate => 'has_visualization',
+=attr graph_mode (B<static|dynamic>)
+Is your graph static or dynamic.
 has graph_mode => (
     is       => 'ro',
     isa      => enum( [qw/static dynamic/] ),
@@ -27,6 +39,12 @@ has graph_mode => (
     default  => 'static',
+=attr edge_type (B<directed|undirected|mutual|notset>)
+The type of the edges
 has edge_type => (
     is       => 'ro',
     isa      => enum( [qw/directed undirected mutual notset/] ),
@@ -34,6 +52,34 @@ has edge_type => (
     default  => 'directed',
+=attr nodes
+a HashRef of L<Graph::GEXF::Node> objects.
+=method total_nodes
+Return the list of nodes attached to the graph
+=method get_node
+Return a node
+=method add_node_attribute($name, $type, [$default_value])
+Add attributes to node
+=method all_nodes
+Return all the nodes
 has nodes => (
     traits     => ['Hash'],
     is         => 'rw',
@@ -49,6 +95,12 @@ has nodes => (
+=method add_node
+Add a new node to the graph
 sub add_node {
     my $self = shift;
     my ($id, %attributes);
@@ -123,37 +175,3 @@ sub add_node {
     # render the graph in XML
     my $xml = $graph->to_xml;
-=over 4
-=item visualization
-If set to true, the generated graph will include visualizations informations.
-=item graph_mode
-could be B<static> or B<dynamic>. Default is B<static>
-=item edge_type
-could be B<directed>, B<undirected>, B<mutual> or B<notset>. Default is B<directed>.
-=head2 METHODS
-=over 4
-=item add_node_attribute($name, $type, [$default_value])
-Add attributes to node
-=item add_node([$id])
-Add a new node to the graph