#+Title: Twitter #+Author: fcuny@twitter.com * People ** Cory *** TODO Get up to speed on alerts / viz *** TODO Work with Philip to take the work / knowledge on load test cluster *** TODO Should I setup a 1:1 with him ? *** TODO I don't want to split ownership ** Mahak *** DONE Complete feedback *** TODO Should we do a 'one day cleanup' where we go through alerts / warnings and prune / fix ? *** TODO Running custdevel is getting more and more expensive. What if we were to limit the size of the streams in there ? * Projects ** OS 7 Migration + update for an aggressive [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bv_tGtB2mNgaA5ToQLRseY0lzE2vlALTiM5NraQtSkE/edit#][timeline]]. * Tasks ** TODO Update Mesos ticket regarding zombie shards ** TODO Review Dan's doc for zookeeper tasks, and create tickets * Notes ** Manhattan