#+Title: F.A.Q #+Author: franck.cuny@gmail.com #+TAGS: @twitter(t) #+TAGS: ops linux tools * IPMI :@twitter:ops: #+BEGIN_SRC sh ssh ipmibastion1.atla.twitter.com console.sh #+END_SRC More on the [[https://confluence.twitter.biz/display/DCE/IPMI%2BRemote%2BConsole%2Bconnectivity][wiki]]. * Linux :linux: ** Namespaces *** List of containers on Mesos :@twitter:ops: To get a list of containers on a host, you can run the following command: #+BEGIN_SRC sh ip netns list | xargs -I {} cat /proc/{}/cgroup | grep freezer | cut -f 3 -d '/' #+END_SRC *** Running netstat in a container :@twitter:ops: On shared mesos, the network is divided in namespaces. Running =netstat= will not work, you need to use =ip netns= to be able to run =netstat= in a container. For example: #+BEGIN_SRC sh for c in $(ip netns); do echo $c && sudo ip netns exec $c netstat -ntp | grep; done #+END_SRC