* %U Review :review: ** Get Clear [0/3] - [ ] Collect Loose Papers and Materials. - [ ] Get "IN" to Zero: - [ ] Papers - [ ] Physical Notebook - [ ] Physical Objects - [ ] Text Messages - [ ] Email Inbox - [ ] [[https://read.amazon.com/kp/notebook][Kindle highlights]] - [ ] Browser Tabs - [ ] [[file:~/Downloads][Downloads]] Folder - [ ] [[file:~/Desktop][Desktop]] Folder - [ ] Empty Your Head: New projects, tasks, waiting-fors, someday/maybes? ** Get Current [0/7] - [ ] Review Action Lists #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (progn (org-agenda nil "a") (org-agenda-day-view)) #+END_SRC - [ ] Archive completed or inactive projects - [ ] Review calendar data - [ ] Review Upcoming Calendar - [ ] Review Waiting For List - [ ] Review Project (and Larger Outcome) Lists - [ ] Review Stuck Projects - [ ] Review Any Relevant Checklists ** Get Creative [0/2] - [ ] Review Someday Maybe List - [ ] Be Creative and Courageous ** Journal *** How are you doing right now? *** What went well this week? *** What didn't go so well this week? *** Did I learn anything important this week? *** Is there anything I can tweak, simplify, or eliminate? *** What is currently holding me back? *** What urgent questions do I have? *** What do I feel grateful for in my life and work/school?