;;; my-navigation.el --- Configure parts related to navigation -*- lexical-binding: t -*- ;;; Commentary: ;;; Code: (require 'bookmark) (require 'project) (require 'recentf) (require 'rg) (require 'transient) ;;; settings (setq help-window-select t) ;; select help window when opening it ;; where to store the list of projects (setq project-list-file (expand-file-name "var/projects" user-emacs-directory)) (setq project-switch-commands '((?f "File" project-find-file) (?d "Dired" project-dired) (?b "Buffer" project-switch-to-buffer) (?e "Eshell" project-eshell) (?m "Magit status" magit-project-status) (?r "Search" rg-project))) (setq bookmark-save-flag 1) (setq bookmark-default-file (expand-file-name "var/bookmarks" user-emacs-directory)) (setq rg-group-result t) (setq rg-show-columns t) (setq rg-align-position-numbers t) (setq rg-align-line-number-field-length 3) (setq rg-align-column-number-field-length 3) (setq rg-align-line-column-separator "#") (setq rg-align-position-content-separator "|") ;; where to store the list of recent files (setq recentf-save-file (expand-file-name "var/recentf" user-emacs-directory)) (setq recentf-max-saved-items 500) (setq recentf-exclude '(".gz" ".xz" ".zip" "tmp/" "/ssh:")) ;; where to store transient's history (setq transient-history-file (expand-file-name "var/transient-history.el" user-emacs-directory)) ;;; bindings (global-set-key (kbd "C-x C-b") 'ibuffer) (global-set-key (kbd "M-g i") 'imenu) ;;; hooks (add-hook 'after-init-hook 'recentf-mode) (add-hook 'after-init-hook 'which-key-mode) (provide 'my-navigation) ;;; my-navigation.el ends here