export EDITOR="emacsclient -a ''" export HISTFILE= export LANG="en_US.UTF-8" export LC_ALL="$LANG" export LC_CTYPE="$LANG" export PAGER="less" export TZ=America/Los_Angeles export GOPATH="${HOME}/gocode" [ -z "$PS1" ] && return [ "${BASH_VERSINFO}" -gt 3 ] && shopt -s autocd # prompts export PS1="[\W] " alias e="$EDITOR" alias et="emacsclient -nw" alias cp="cp -i" alias l="ls" alias la="ls -a" alias ll="ls -lh" alias lt="ls -lhtr" alias mv="mv -i" alias rm="rm -i" alias au="aurora" alias aud="aurora_admin" alias g="git" alias gonest="ssh nest" alias t="time" alias tm="tmux attach 2>/dev/null || tmux new" # finally, build the path and source a few files __add_to_path_if_exists() { [ -d "$1" ] && export PATH="$1:$PATH" } __source_file_if_exists() { [ -s "$1" ] && source "$1" } __add_to_path_if_exists "${HOME}/bin" __add_to_path_if_exists "${GOPATH}/bin" __add_to_path_if_exists "${HOME}/src/source/dist" __add_to_path_if_exists "/opt/twitter/opt/go/libexec/bin" __add_to_path_if_exists "/opt/twitter/bin" DOTFILES_DIR=$(dirname $(realpath $BASH_SOURCE)) __add_to_path_if_exists "${DOTFILES_DIR}/bin" __source_file_if_exists "/opt/google-cloud-sdk/path.bash.inc" __source_file_if_exists "/opt/google-cloud-sdk/completion.bash.inc" __source_file_if_exists "/opt/twitter/rvm/scripts/rvm"