#+AUTHOR: Franck Cuny #+TITLE: README #+STARTUP: indent #+STARTUP: hidestars * Home My personal configuration files for [[file:docs/emacs.org][emacs]], [[file:docs/zsh.org][zsh]] and [[file:docs/git.org][git]]. ** Installation To install the dotfiles: #+BEGIN_SRC sh :results silent make install #+END_SRC ** Maintain the configuration To check for dead symlinks: #+BEGIN_SRC sh :results silent make check-dead #+END_SRC To remove dead symlinks: #+BEGIN_SRC sh :results silent make clean-dead #+END_SRC ** Tasks *** TODO Run magit in full screen ? *** TODO Add word / sign / sentence count for markdown in the status line *** TODO Take a look at "highlight-indent-guides" for emacs *** TODO How to update Emacs on OSX ? *** TODO Add puppet-lint to Flymake *** TODO BUILD files are Python files *** TODO Emacs' git configuration Add binding for git diff, git commit, and configure correctly git commit mode. *** TODO Sometimes aurora files are not seen as Python ?