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path: root/configs/rcs/emacs.d/init.el
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1 files changed, 2 insertions, 61 deletions
diff --git a/configs/rcs/emacs.d/init.el b/configs/rcs/emacs.d/init.el
index 7aeab39..11f05a0 100644
--- a/configs/rcs/emacs.d/init.el
+++ b/configs/rcs/emacs.d/init.el
@@ -24,18 +24,6 @@
 (defvar fcuny-path-home (getenv "HOME")
   "Path to the user's home directory.")
-(defvar fcuny-path-workspace (expand-file-name "workspace" fcuny-path-home)
-  "Path to the workspace.")
-(defvar fcuny-path-go (expand-file-name "go" fcuny-path-workspace)
-  "Path to GOPATH.")
-(defvar fcuny-path-go-bin (expand-file-name "bin" fcuny-path-go)
-  "Path to the go binaries.")
-(defvar fcuny-path-puppet-linter-svn (expand-file-name "twitter-ops/utilities/puppet/.puppet-lint.rc" fcuny-path-workspace)
-  "Path to the linter's configuration for twitter-ops.")
 (defvar fcuny-projects-ignored-dirs '(".git" ".svn" "target" "elpa")
   "Ignore the following directories when browsing with projectile.")
@@ -67,12 +55,6 @@
   "Returns t if this is a work machine"
   (string-match "tw-mbp.*" (system-name)))
-(defun fc/check-source-p ()
-  "Finds if the current python file is in the `source' repository."
-  (and (executable-find "check.pex")
-       (buffer-file-name)
-       (string-match "source/.*\.py$" (buffer-file-name))))
 ;; set utf-8 as the default encoding
 (prefer-coding-system 'utf-8-unix)
 (set-terminal-coding-system 'utf-8)
@@ -266,16 +248,7 @@
     (add-hook 'prog-mode-hook 'flycheck-mode)
     (setq flycheck-highlighting-mode 'lines)
     (setq flycheck-check-syntax-automatically '(mode-enabled save))
-    (setq flycheck-checkers (delq 'emacs-lisp-checkdoc flycheck-checkers))
-    (if (fc/check-work-machine-p)
-      (flycheck-define-checker fc/twitter-source-check
-        "A syntax checker for python source code in Source, using `check.pex'"
-        :command ("check.pex" source)
-        :error-patterns ((error line-start (id (1+ nonl)) ":ERROR" (1+ nonl) ":" line (message) line-end)
-                         (warning line-start (id (1+ nonl)) ":WARNING" (1+ nonl) ":" line (message) line-end))
-        :predicate fc/check-source-p
-        :modes (python-mode))
-      (add-to-list 'flycheck-checkers 'fc/twitter-source-check))))
+    (setq flycheck-checkers (delq 'emacs-lisp-checkdoc flycheck-checkers))))
 (use-package ispell
@@ -327,20 +300,6 @@
   :ensure t
   :hook (emacs-lisp-mode-hook))
-(use-package pants
-  :load-path (lambda () (expand-file-name  "" fcuny-path-workspace))
-  :custom
-  (pants-completion-system 'ivy)
-  (pants-source-tree-root (expand-file-name "" fcuny-path-workspace))
-  (pants-bury-compilation-buffer t)
-  (pants-extra-args "-q")
-  :bind (("C-c b" . pants-find-build-file)
-         ("C-c r" . pants-run-binary)
-         ("C-c t" . pants-run-test))
-  :init
-  (if (fc/check-work-machine-p)
-      (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("BUILD" . python-mode))))
 (use-package make-mode
   :ensure t
@@ -431,19 +390,6 @@
   :commands python-mode
   :custom (python-indent-offset 2))
-(use-package anaconda-mode
-  :ensure t
-  :after python
-  :hook ((python-mode . anaconda-mode)
-         (python-mode . eldoc-mode))
-  :custom (anaconda-mode-eldoc-as-single-line t))
-(use-package company-anaconda
-  :ensure t
-  :after anaconda-mode
-  :init
-  (add-to-list 'company-backends 'company-anaconda))
 (use-package scala-mode :ensure t)
 (use-package sh-script
@@ -460,12 +406,7 @@
 (use-package puppet-mode
   :ensure t
-  :mode ("\\.pp\\'" . puppet-mode)
-  ;:hook (flycheck-mode)
-  :config
-  (if (fc/check-work-machine-p)
-    (setq flycheck-puppet-lint-rc fcuny-path-puppet-linter-svn)))
+  :mode ("\\.pp\\'" . puppet-mode))
 (use-package yaml-mode
   :ensure t