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path: root/emacs
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authorFranck Cuny <>2022-03-23 07:13:49 -0700
committerFranck Cuny <>2022-03-23 07:13:49 -0700
commit8839cc1e2933b162499ddb0a53c7c844a78da8cd (patch)
treed5d8a1a87589dfc7cc699bdbfe77207b091fed0c /emacs
parentsettings: don't pull fcuny-vars anymore (diff)
init: start to simplify the configuration
Update the settings for the garbage collector when we start Emacs, to
make things go faster. Also drop a few things that we don't care about
anymore (the gnutls configuration).

Be specific about the path to the library.
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 51 insertions, 54 deletions
diff --git a/emacs/init.el b/emacs/init.el
index 40e9925..1af31de 100644
--- a/emacs/init.el
+++ b/emacs/init.el
@@ -1,61 +1,58 @@
-;;; init.el -- initialize my emacs configuration
+;;; init.el --- Initialize my Emacs configuration
 ;;; Commentary:
 ;;; Code:
-;; Initialize the package system first of all.
-(require 'gnutls)
+(setq gc-cons-threshold 64000000)
+(add-hook 'after-init-hook #'(lambda ()
+                               ;; restore after startup
+                               (setq gc-cons-threshold 800000)))
 (require 'package)
-;; see
-;; without this I'm unable to contact melpa on macos
-(setq gnutls-algorithm-priority "NORMAL:-VERS-TLS1.3")
-(setq package-archives '(("melpa" . "")))
-;; and now we load custom configurations
-  (add-to-list 'load-path (expand-file-name "custom" user-emacs-directory))
-  (add-to-list 'load-path (expand-file-name "lisp" user-emacs-directory))
-  (require 'fcuny-vars)
-  ;; where to store compiled files
-  (when (boundp 'native-comp-eln-load-path)
-    (add-to-list 'native-comp-eln-load-path (expand-file-name "eln-cache" fcuny/path-emacs-var)))
-  ;; where to store the packages
-  (setq package-user-dir fcuny/path-emacs-elpa)
-  ;; initialize it
-  (setq package-enable-at-startup nil)
-  (package-initialize)
-  ;; if use-package is not present, we install it
-  (unless (package-installed-p 'use-package)
-    (package-refresh-contents)
-    (package-install 'use-package))
-  (require 'use-package)
-  (setq use-package-verbose t))
-(require 'fcuny-settings)
-(require 'fcuny-ui)
-(require 'fcuny-navigation)
-(require 'fcuny-edit)
-(require 'fcuny-text)
-(require 'fcuny-git)
-(require 'fcuny-org)
-(require 'fcuny-conf)
-(require 'fcuny-prog)
-(require 'fcuny-eshell)
-(require 'fcuny-tramp)
-(require 'fcuny-notmuch)
-(require 'fcuny-defuns)
-(require 'fcuny-commands)
-(require 'my-work)
-;; once we're done initializing the configuration, we start a shell
-;; session with eshell.
+(add-to-list 'package-archives
+	     '("melpa" .
+	       ""))
+  (message "initializing package")
+  (package-initialize))
+(unless (package-installed-p 'use-package)
+  (package-refresh-contents)
+  (package-install 'use-package))
+(eval-when-compile (require 'use-package))
+(setq use-package-verbose t)
+(setq use-package-always-ensure nil)
+(defun my/package-install-refresh-contents (&rest args)
+  "Refresh the package content, takes an optional ARGS."
+  ;; Whenever use-package statements use ensure (directly or via
+  ;; use-package-always-ensure), we need to refresh the package contents first,
+  ;; as installation fails otherwise:
+  ;;
+  (package-refresh-contents)
+  (advice-remove 'package-install 'my/package-install-refresh-contents))
+(advice-add 'package-install :before 'my/package-install-refresh-contents)
+(require 'fcuny-settings (expand-file-name "custom/fcuny-settings" user-emacs-directory))
+(require 'fcuny-ui (expand-file-name "custom/fcuny-ui" user-emacs-directory))
+(require 'fcuny-navigation (expand-file-name "custom/fcuny-navigation" user-emacs-directory))
+(require 'fcuny-edit (expand-file-name "custom/fcuny-edit" user-emacs-directory))
+(require 'fcuny-text (expand-file-name "custom/fcuny-text" user-emacs-directory))
+(require 'fcuny-git (expand-file-name "custom/fcuny-git" user-emacs-directory))
+(require 'fcuny-org (expand-file-name "custom/fcuny-org" user-emacs-directory))
+(require 'fcuny-conf (expand-file-name "custom/fcuny-conf" user-emacs-directory))
+(require 'fcuny-prog (expand-file-name "custom/fcuny-prog" user-emacs-directory))
+(require 'fcuny-eshell (expand-file-name "custom/fcuny-eshell" user-emacs-directory))
+(require 'fcuny-tramp (expand-file-name "custom/fcuny-tramp" user-emacs-directory))
+(require 'fcuny-notmuch (expand-file-name "custom/fcuny-notmuch" user-emacs-directory))
+;; ;; (require 'fcuny-defuns)
+;; ;; (require 'fcuny-commands)
+;; ;; (require 'my-work)
 ;;; init.el ends here