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+					<h2>Viewing Large Images - OpenLayers, GSIV, ModestMaps, DeepZoom, and&nbsp;Python</h2>
+					<p class="post-info">November 30, 2008 by <a href="" title="Posts by kapilt">kapilt</a>  </p>
+				</div>
+				<div class="entry">
+					<div class="snap_preview"><p>Lately
+I’ve been experimenting with displaying very large images on the
+internet via a web browser, with pan and zoom functionality. The guts
+of this functionality are the same regardless of implementation. On the
+server, a tile cutter processes a large image, and constructs an image
+pyramid. The image pyramid is a hierarchical structure composed of n
+levels of the same image at different resolutions. Starting with the
+bottom level as the original image, each successive level reduces the
+image size by half, and the process is repeated log_2( max( width,
+height)) times until finally an image of only 1 pixel (average of
+entire image) is generated as the top of the pyramid. Each level’s
+image is split into a set of fixed size tiles. A web browser client
+implementation ( flash, ajax, etc) constructs&nbsp; a zoom interface,
+that responds to zoom in events by moving the viewport progressively
+further down the pyramid, showing tile images of the larger resolution
+to give the effect of zooming into an image. A nice illustrated write
+up of the concept can be found <a href="">here</a>. I’ve probably made it sound more complicated than it really is.</p>
+<p>The initial implementation I was working with utilized <a href="">OpenLayers</a>, which implements a client for accessing OpenGIS Web Feature Servers (<a href="">WFS</a>) and Web Mapping Servers (<a href="">WMS</a>).
+Unfortunately the size of the library seems to be constantly increasing
+(~200K in the last year) and currently weighs in at 560K uncompressed,
+and requires a special implementation to serve up the tile images, ie.
+a WMS Compliant system, in this case <a href="">TileCache</a>. For scaling and efficiency purposes, I’d much prefer to directly serve these images off a <a href="">CDN</a>, disk (<a href="">nginx</a>), or via <a href="">varnish</a>
+and bypass any application code. Additionally the sheer size of the
+OpenLayers code was unwieldy for the integrations requirements I had,
+which did not include any GIS functionality.</p>
+<p>Surveying the land for other non-commercial image viewers, turned up a few of interest. <a href="">GSIV</a>
+( Giant Scalable Image Viewer), was a fairly basic but capable
+javascript based viewer, that fit my requirements bill, small size at
+26Kb uncompressed, and focused on pan and zoom functionality (<a href="">demo</a>).
+However as a project it appears to be abandoned, and hasn’t been
+touched in two years, although several patches have been submitted
+which retrofit the implementation using jquery are extant.</p>
+<p>I came across <a href="">ModestMaps</a> next, which is a flash (2 &amp; 3 ) based implementation, with a small size (<a href="">demo</a>).
+One nice feature of modest maps, is that it performs interpolation
+between successive levels giving a smooth zoom experience to an end
+user unlike somewhat jerky experience that GSIV produced. Unfortunately
+being flash based meant a whole different chain of development tools. I
+looked around at what was available for an opensource flash compiler
+toolchain and found <a href="">MTASC</a> (Motion Twin Action Script Compiler ) and <a href="">Haxe</a>.
+In the end i decided against it, partly due to its GIS focus, and the
+customization/ maintenance cost for developing on propretiary platform
+(Flash). Despite that, i think its the best of the opensource viewer
+implementations if your already have/use an adobe flash development
+<p>I was set on using GSIV, and then i came across a<a href=""> blurb on ajaxian</a>
+about Seadragon Ajax and Deep Zoom from Microsoft’s Live Labs.
+Microsoft’s done some impressive work with image manipulation over the
+last few years. The <a href="">PhotoSynth TED talk</a> is one of the most impressive technology demos i’ve seen to date. <a href="">Deep Zoom</a> is a <a href="">SilverLight</a> technology ( more propretiary platform lockin), that allows for multiscale image zooming with smooth zooming. The<a href=""> Seadragon Ajax</a>
+is a javascript implementation of the same functionality in a 154k
+library ( 20k minimized and gzipped). It fit the bill perfectly,
+standards (javascript) based, image zoom and pan, with a great user
+experience. One problem unlike all the other tools mentioned here,
+which have python based tile cutting implementations, Deep Zoom was
+utilizing a Windows only based program to process images and cut tiles.
+I had a couple of hundred gigabytes of images to cut, and not a windows
+system in sight. But based on this <a href="">excellent blog write up by  Daniel Gasienica</a>,
+I constructed a python program using PIL that can be used as a command
+line tool or library for constructing Deep Zoom Compatible image
+pyramids. It can be found <a href="">here</a>,
+hopefully its useful to others. As a bonus, it runs in a fraction of
+the memory (1/6 by my measurements) needed by the GSIV image tile
+cutter and faster as well ( 100 images in 5m vs 1.25hr). Unfortunately
+the Seadragon Ajax Library is not opensource, but non commercial usage
+seems to be okay with the license, and i’ll give it over to some
+lawyers to figure it out.</p>
+<p>To process the several hundred gigabytes of images, i utilized this library and wrote a batch driver utilizing&nbsp; <a href="">pyprocessing remote queues</a>, a small <a href="">zc.buildout</a> and <a href="">cloudcontrol</a> to process the images across a cluster, but thats left as an implementation detail for the reader <img src="Viewing%20Large%20Images%20with%20Seadragon%20and%20Pythonhtml_files/icon_smile.gif" alt=":-)" class="wp-smiley"> </p>
+<p><a href="">Python Deep Zoom TileCutter</a></p>
+</div>									</div>
+				<p class="postmetadata">Posted in <a href="" title="View all posts in python" rel="category tag">python</a> | 14 Comments</p>
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+<h3 id="comments">14 Responses to “Viewing Large Images - OpenLayers, GSIV, ModestMaps, DeepZoom, and&nbsp;Python”</h3>
+	<ol class="commentlist">
+			<li class="comment even thread-even depth-1" id="comment-68">
+		<div id="div-comment-68">
+		<div class="cmtinfo"><em> on <a href="#comment-68" title="">November 30, 2008 at 6:03 am</a></em> <img alt="" src="Viewing%20Large%20Images%20with%20Seadragon%20and%20Pythonhtml_files/139f37ae067ee7e473f71e849f63e82f.png" class="avatar avatar-48" width="48" height="48"> <cite><a href="" rel="external nofollow" class="url">Aseem Kishore</a></cite></div>
+			<p>Hi Kapil,</p>
+<p>I’m part of the Seadragon Ajax team, and it’s great to hear that you
+like our work! Please feel free to pass on feedback as you use it. =)</p>
+			<br style="clear: both;">	
+		</div>
+		<li class="comment odd alt thread-odd thread-alt depth-1" id="comment-70">
+		<div id="div-comment-70">
+		<div class="cmtinfo"><em> on <a href="#comment-70" title="">November 30, 2008 at 5:26 pm</a></em> <img alt="" src="Viewing%20Large%20Images%20with%20Seadragon%20and%20Pythonhtml_files/ba08a1813ff5e44f655ee9ea58d1c992.png" class="avatar avatar-48" width="48" height="48"> <cite>Henning</cite></div>
+			<p>Sounds interesting. As you already have investigated those libraries, you could perhaps help me.<br>
+I was thinking about creating an AJAX function plotter (using
+matplotlib). Until now I only found OpenLayers but I don’t need these
+GIS features. What would you suggest for my project? I am mainly
+interested in the interactive dragging and zooming feature. The image
+would be generated on the fly.</p>
+			<br style="clear: both;">	
+		</div>
+		<li class="comment even thread-even depth-1" id="comment-71">
+		<div id="div-comment-71">
+		<div class="cmtinfo"><em> on <a href="#comment-71" title="">November 30, 2008 at 7:44 pm</a></em> <img alt="" src="Viewing%20Large%20Images%20with%20Seadragon%20and%20Pythonhtml_files/81955202e1a0524d206bd3f7b3967065.png" class="avatar avatar-48" width="48" height="48"> <cite><a href="" rel="external nofollow" class="url">Ruven</a></cite></div>
+			<p>Another image viewer you may be interested in is IIPImage (<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>)
+which is a fully Open Source system with various alternative clients
+such as a flash, java and ajax. I’m the maintainer, so possibly biased <img src="Viewing%20Large%20Images%20with%20Seadragon%20and%20Pythonhtml_files/icon_wink.gif" alt=";)" class="wp-smiley"> </p>
+<p>One advantage is that we can run off a single TIFF file rather than
+having to store thousands of tile pieces. On the other hand, it
+requires you to install an FCGI server.</p>
+<p>Anyway, it’ll be interesting to see how this Deep Zoom format develops.</p>
+			<br style="clear: both;">	
+		</div>
+		<li class="comment odd alt thread-odd thread-alt depth-1" id="comment-74">
+		<div id="div-comment-74">
+		<div class="cmtinfo"><em> on <a href="#comment-74" title="">December 1, 2008 at 9:24 am</a></em> <img alt="" src="Viewing%20Large%20Images%20with%20Seadragon%20and%20Pythonhtml_files/7e5c476f7ed6fcbb67eee738e304f066.jpeg" class="avatar avatar-48" width="48" height="48"> <cite><a href="" rel="external nofollow" class="url">Malthe</a></cite></div>
+			<p>Long
+time ago I had a similar requirement; I ended up converting all image
+files to uncompressed 32-bit TIFF files and wrote the image cutter in
+C, then piped the result to an imagemagick converter.</p>
+			<br style="clear: both;">	
+		</div>
+		<li class="comment even thread-even depth-1" id="comment-75">
+		<div id="div-comment-75">
+		<div class="cmtinfo"><em> on <a href="#comment-75" title="">December 1, 2008 at 5:28 pm</a></em> <img alt="" src="Viewing%20Large%20Images%20with%20Seadragon%20and%20Pythonhtml_files/0491830b8e929f46ffba2b9e3920b307.png" class="avatar avatar-48" width="48" height="48"> <cite><a href="" rel="external nofollow" class="url">Christopher Schmidt</a></cite></div>
+			<p>It looks like you’ve already moved on, but I wanted to point out two things about OpenLayers for the record:</p>
+<p> 1. OpenLayers supports custom build profiles including only the
+pieces you care about. A simple map — just dragging and WMS tiles —
+clocks in at about 110k — and has been within 20% of that for most of
+the 2.x series (now two years running). Information on using the build
+tools to build your own build are available at <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
+. Once you take the 110k and run it through gzip, you’re down to ~25k —
+not that much larger than the binary ModestMaps builds that I checked
+out (which clocked in at 18kb, but didn’t compress much/at all with
+<p> 2. OpenLayers can load all kinds of tiles, including tiles stored in a flat filesystem on a CDN or similar. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
+documents how, and even documents how to set up OpenLayers for
+projectionless images, which is what you’re currently working with
+based on my quick skim.</p>
+<p>This isn’t to say that OpenLayers is always the right tool, but
+using the TMS layer and custom profiles would probably significantly
+change the experience with regard to the two complaints that you had
+with OpenLayers.</p>
+<p>(Also, I’m clearly biased an OpenLayers + TileCache developer.)</p>
+			<br style="clear: both;">	
+		</div>
+		<li class="comment odd alt thread-odd thread-alt depth-1" id="comment-76">
+		<div id="div-comment-76">
+		<div class="cmtinfo"><em> on <a href="#comment-76" title="">December 1, 2008 at 8:59 pm</a></em> <img alt="" src="Viewing%20Large%20Images%20with%20Seadragon%20and%20Pythonhtml_files/317094104136ef2e6487bf5a61fb8217.png" class="avatar avatar-48" width="48" height="48"> <cite>Vince</cite></div>
+			<p>@ Henning,</p>
+<p>Have you tried Flot:</p>
+<p><a href="" rel="nofollow"></a></p>
+			<br style="clear: both;">	
+		</div>
+		<li class="pingback even thread-even depth-1" id="comment-77">
+		<div id="div-comment-77">
+		<div class="cmtinfo"><em> on <a href="#comment-77" title="">December 2, 2008 at 12:19 am</a></em>  <cite><a href="" rel="external nofollow" class="url">Top Posts «</a></cite></div>
+			<p>[...]
+Viewing Large Images - OpenLayers, GSIV, ModestMaps, DeepZoom, and
+Python Lately I’ve been experimenting with displaying very large images
+on the internet via a web browser, with pan and [...] [...]</p>
+			<br style="clear: both;">	
+		</div>
+		<li class="comment odd alt thread-odd thread-alt depth-1" id="comment-78">
+		<div id="div-comment-78">
+		<div class="cmtinfo"><em> on <a href="#comment-78" title="">December 2, 2008 at 5:22 pm</a></em> <img alt="" src="Viewing%20Large%20Images%20with%20Seadragon%20and%20Pythonhtml_files/51add0b18aa2a784ee43ecd046b99724.png" class="avatar avatar-48" width="48" height="48"> <cite><a href="" rel="external nofollow" class="url">Jordan Anderson</a></cite></div>
+			<p>I’m
+currently using OpenLayers and TileCache with Amazon’s new CoudFront
+CDN service on a development version of (soon to be
+released to the public).</p>
+<p>I used TileCache with Geoserver to generate several thousand PNG tiles using its seed script. Then I:</p>
+<p>1. Uploaded the images to Amazon S3 using the directory structure generated by TileCache<br>
+2. Created a CloudFront distribution<br>
+3. Turned off both TileCache and Geoserver (since I seeded 100% of the
+zoom levels and extent I’m dealing with — in my case, New York City and
+4. Used OpenLayers’ Tile Map Service (TMS) support to grab the correct tiles from CloudFront</p>
+<p>Wow, it’s fast. And my bill last month — even after all the PNG PUT
+requests and prorating to account for the partial month of CloudFront
+service — was just under one dollar.</p>
+			<br style="clear: both;">	
+		</div>
+		<li class="pingback even thread-even depth-1" id="comment-79">
+		<div id="div-comment-79">
+		<div class="cmtinfo"><em> on <a href="#comment-79" title="">December 10, 2008 at 11:02 pm</a></em>  <cite><a href="" rel="external nofollow" class="url">Deep Zoom Image creation with Python « Dragonosticism</a></cite></div>
+			<p>[...]
+images into DZI format. In addition to Python, you’ll need the Python
+Imaging Library. See his blog post for more information, along with an
+analysis of why he chose DZI over other zooming [...]</p>
+			<br style="clear: both;">	
+		</div>
+		<li class="comment byuser comment-author-igilman odd alt thread-odd thread-alt depth-1" id="comment-80">
+		<div id="div-comment-80">
+		<div class="cmtinfo"><em> on <a href="#comment-80" title="">December 10, 2008 at 11:12 pm</a></em> <img alt="" src="Viewing%20Large%20Images%20with%20Seadragon%20and%20Pythonhtml_files/06a26aadf9c62b93ec5d5d0154f6e3cf.png" class="avatar avatar-48" width="48" height="48"> <cite>igilman</cite></div>
+			<p>Kapil,</p>
+<p>Thank you for making this Python script! It’s a great service to the
+Deep Zoom community. I’ve mentioned it now on my Dragonosticism blog: </p>
+<p><a href="" rel="nofollow"></a></p>
+<p>I tried it on a 5,000 pixel square image, and it worked perfectly. I
+then tried it on the 20,000 pixel square World Wide Music Scene image
+from the Seadragon Ajax Gallery, and it ground my system to a halt and
+then failed with a memory error. This isn’t surprising, as most tools
+break down at those sizes, but we’re hoping to help get us all past
+that. </p>
+<p>Are you planning on continuing to develop this script?</p>
+			<br style="clear: both;">	
+		</div>
+		<li class="comment byuser comment-author-kapilt bypostauthor even thread-even depth-1" id="comment-81">
+		<div id="div-comment-81">
+		<div class="cmtinfo"><em> on <a href="#comment-81" title="">December 11, 2008 at 2:52 pm</a></em> <img alt="" src="Viewing%20Large%20Images%20with%20Seadragon%20and%20Pythonhtml_files/55ebe3141eb327cb93a05159fd50d70a.png" class="avatar avatar-48" width="48" height="48"> <cite><a href="" rel="external nofollow" class="url">kapilt</a></cite></div>
+			<p>@christopher
+thanks for the clarifications regarding openlayers build profiles and
+custom tile options. its a very capable project. I recently went to
+SearchCampDC ( <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
+) and saw several impressive gis applications built on top of
+openlayers. However, for this particular use primarily as a large image
+viewer, the continuous/fluid zoom offered by deepzoom offers a better
+end user experience imo.</p>
+<p>@igilman for jpeg images, the memory usage seems to be total pixel
+size (w*h) * 4.3. The largest image i’m working with is about 110M
+pixels. I was unable to find the source image for the referenced world
+wide music scene, and the very very large image group on flickr all
+seem to be well below 110M pixels. most of the memory constraints seem
+to be related to the underlying image functionality offered by the
+python image library (PIL). While there are other cross platform
+libraries, their installation and language bindings for python are
+typically non trivial on non linux platforms (my production environment
+for this app is solaris). In terms of future development, if there are
+additional feature requests, i’m open to them, and if there is interest
+i can set up a project on a hosted platform. alternatively if there’s
+interest in folding this into a deep zoom hosted download, i’d be happy
+to sign it over. outside of distribution as a python egg for easier
+installation, and a verbose/progress option, i’m pretty happy with the
+			<br style="clear: both;">	
+		</div>
+		<li class="comment byuser comment-author-igilman odd alt thread-odd thread-alt depth-1" id="comment-82">
+		<div id="div-comment-82">
+		<div class="cmtinfo"><em> on <a href="#comment-82" title="">December 11, 2008 at 7:02 pm</a></em> <img alt="" src="Viewing%20Large%20Images%20with%20Seadragon%20and%20Pythonhtml_files/06a26aadf9c62b93ec5d5d0154f6e3cf.png" class="avatar avatar-48" width="48" height="48"> <cite>igilman</cite></div>
+			<p>@kapilt
+The full music image isn’t available online. I agree it’s hard to find
+big images; that’s one of the things we’re trying to fix! One large one
+(half a gigapixel) is here:</p>
+<p><a href="" rel="nofollow"></a></p>
+<p>To deal with large images properly, you may have to get aggressive
+about purging memory. The music image successfully loaded into memory,
+and all but the highest resolution tile set was correctly created with
+your script; it was just the last set of tiles where it ran out of
+memory. </p>
+<p>As for feature requests, besides handling larger images
+successfully, the only other thing I’d want at the moment would be some
+sort of progress indication (like a verbose mode). </p>
+<p>I’ll continue pointing people in your direction, and we’ll see what
+sort of interest the script gets. I’m excited about all the new
+			<br style="clear: both;">	
+		</div>
+		<li class="comment byuser comment-author-gasi even thread-even depth-1" id="comment-83">
+		<div id="div-comment-83">
+		<div class="cmtinfo"><em> on <a href="#comment-83" title="">December 15, 2008 at 6:32 pm</a></em> <img alt="" src="Viewing%20Large%20Images%20with%20Seadragon%20and%20Pythonhtml_files/34e36e0508f23947d839a8bff4d413cd.jpeg" class="avatar avatar-48" width="48" height="48"> <cite><a href="" rel="external nofollow" class="url">gasi</a></cite></div>
+			<p>Hello Kapil<br>
+First of all, thanks for referencing the articles on my blog&nbsp;—I’m&nbsp;glad they helped you out.</p>
+<p>For anyone interested in incorporating very large images into their
+applications, check out the open source OpenZoom framework I’ve started
+at <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a><br>
+Basically, OpenZoom provides you with some building blocks to create
+ZUI applications like mapping, e-commerce, medical that need to present
+multi-scale images in formats such as Zoomify, Deep Zoom or others in a
+dynamic fashion.<br>
+To see some examples of things you can do with OpenZoom, I encourage you to check out my blog <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> or tandem, a proof of concept for browsing Flickr at <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a></p>
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+		<div class="cmtinfo"><em> on <a href="#comment-85" title="">December 19, 2008 at 3:34 am</a></em>  <cite><a href="" rel="external nofollow" class="url">OpenZoom Description Format — RTFM / Daniel Gasienica</a></cite></div>
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+Viewing Large Images - OpenLayers, GSIV, ModestMaps, DeepZoom, and
+Python — Create Deep Zoom Images on Windows, Mac and Linux with Python
+and PIL. [...]</p>
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