use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; use JSON::XS; use Test::Exception; use AnyEvent::Riak; my ($host, $path); BEGIN { my $riak_test = $ENV{RIAK_TEST_SERVER}; ( $host, $path ) = split ";", $riak_test if $riak_test; plan skip_all => 'set $ENV{RIAK_TEST_SERVER} like this;jiak if you want to run the tests' unless ( $host && $path ); } my $jiak = AnyEvent::Riak->new( host => $host, path => $path ); ok my $buckets = $jiak->list_bucket('bar')->recv, "... fetch bucket list"; is scalar @{ $buckets->{keys} }, '0', '... no keys'; ok my $new_bucket = $jiak->set_bucket( 'foo', { allowed_fields => '*' } )->recv, '... set a new bucket'; my $value = { bucket => 'foo', key => 'bar', object => { foo => "bar", baz => 1 }, links => [] }; ok my $res = $jiak->store($value)->recv, '... set a new key'; ok $res = $jiak->fetch( 'foo', 'bar' )->recv, '... fetch our new key'; ok $res = $jiak->delete( 'foo', 'bar' )->recv, '... delete our key'; dies_ok { $jiak->fetch( 'foo', 'foo' )->recv } '... dies when error'; like $@, qr/404/, '... 404 response'; ok $res = $jiak->store($value)->recv, '... set a new key'; my $second_value = { bucket => 'foo', key => 'baz', object => { foo => "bar", baz => 2 }, links => [ [ 'foo', 'bar', 'tagged' ] ], }; ok $res = $jiak->store($second_value)->recv, '... set another new key'; ok $res = $jiak->walk( 'foo', 'baz', [ { bucket => 'foo', } ] )->recv, '... walk'; is $res->{results}->[0]->[0]->{key}, "bar", "... walked to bar"; done_testing();