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path: root/t/basic.t
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Diffstat (limited to 't/basic.t')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 102 deletions
diff --git a/t/basic.t b/t/basic.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 89da815..0000000
--- a/t/basic.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Test::More;
-use JSON::XS;
-use Test::Exception;
-use AnyEvent::Riak;
-use YAML::Syck;
-#plan tests => 15;
-my ( $host, $path );
-    my $riak_test = $ENV{RIAK_TEST_SERVER};
-    ( $host, $path ) = split ";", $riak_test if $riak_test;
-    plan skip_all =>
-        'set $ENV{RIAK_TEST_SERVER} if you want to run the tests'
-        unless ( $host && $path );
-ok my $riak = AnyEvent::Riak->new( host => $host, path => $path, w => 1,
-    dw => 1),
-    'create riak object';
-# ping
-ok my $ping_one = $riak->is_alive(
-    callback => sub {
-        my $res = shift;
-        pass "is alive in cb" if $res;
-    }
-    ),
-    'ping with callback';
-ok my $ping_two = $riak->is_alive()->recv, 'ping without callback';
-ok my $s = $ping_one->recv, 'response from ping without callback';
-is $s, 1, 'valid response from ping';
-# list bucket
-ok my $bucket_cb = $riak->list_bucket(
-    'bar',
-    parameters => { props => 'true', keys => 'true' },
-    callback => sub {
-        my $res = shift;
-        ok $res->{props};
-        is scalar @{ $res->{keys} }, 0, '0 keys in cb';
-    }
-    ),
-    'fetch bucket list';
-ok my $buckets = $riak->list_bucket('bar')->recv, "fetch bucket list, twice";
-is scalar @{ $buckets->{keys} }, '0', 'no keys';
-ok my $res_bucket = $bucket_cb->recv, 'get bucket';
-# set bucket
-ok my $new_bucket
-     = $riak->set_bucket( 'foo', { props => { n_val => 2 } } )->recv,
-     'set a new bucket';
-my $value = {
-   foo => 'bar',
-ok my $res = $riak->store('foo', 'bar', $value)->recv, 'set a new key';
-ok $res = $riak->fetch( 'foo', 'bar' )->recv, 'fetch our new key';
-is_deeply $res, $value, 'value is ok';
-# ok $res = $riak->delete( 'foo', 'bar' )->recv, 'delete our key';
-# ok my $store_w_cb = $riak->store(
-#     'foo', 'bar3', $value, undef, undef,
-#     sub {
-#         pass "store value ok";
-#         $riak->fetch(
-#             'foo', 'bar3', undef,
-#             sub {
-#                 my $body = shift;
-# 		is_deeply (JSON::decode_json($body), $value, 'value is ok in cb');
-#             }
-#         );
-#     }
-# );
-# ok my $final_res = $store_w_cb->recv;
-# $final_res->recv; # FIXME all cb should be called at this point
-# ok $res = $riak->store($value)->recv, '... set a new key';
-# my $second_value = {
-#     bucket => 'foo',
-#     key    => 'baz',
-#     object => { foo => "bar", baz => 2 },
-#     links  => [ [ 'foo', 'bar', 'tagged' ] ],
-# };
-# ok $res = $riak->store($second_value)->recv, '... set another new key';
-# ok $res = $riak->walk( 'foo', 'baz', [ { bucket => 'foo', } ] )->recv,
-#     '... walk';
-# is $res->{results}->[0]->[0]->{key}, "bar", "... walked to bar";